~You are my girlfriend??~

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---------------------------y/n pov--------------------------------------------

I woke up around 9 am and decided that today I would go into town and just explore for a bit. I took a quick shower, and picked out an outfit that would compliment my e/c.

 I took a quick shower, and picked out an outfit that would compliment my e/c

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(This is your outfit)

I went downstairs and saw that my mom cooked some eggs for breakfast and left saying "going to some interviews, ill be back around 9." I was perfectly fine with that because it gave me some time to myself. Now don't get me wrong, I love my mom. She has always been there for me, but sometimes I just need a moment for myself.

I got my dark green frog bag, and headed out the door

I got my dark green frog bag, and headed out the door

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(That's the bag, except in dark green)

Town wasn't too far from my house and it was nice out so I decided I would just walk. The walk over wasn't very exciting, but when I got there I explored for a bit, looking in varies shops and just walking around before sitting down. I out my phone and go onto twitter, I have a bit of a reach, 10k. I decided I should probably post something.

I sighed and just sat there for a second, thinking about what it was like before the divorce, but the thing way, I could barely remember

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I sighed and just sat there for a second, thinking about what it was like before the divorce, but the thing way, I could barely remember. I heard someone approaching me and looked up to see a boy around my age wearing... Full diamond armor??? I couldn't help but chuckle at this. He walked up to me and stood there for a second before pointing at me and saying, "You are my girlfriend now."

I was taken aback by this, staring at him in confusion for a second. He looked back and forth between me and the camera before I laughed a bit and said, "bet, ok"

He looked shocked for a second, "wait. really?"

"in your dreams" I said while smirking. He asked me if it was ok for my face to be in his video and I said sure just as long as its not on some strange child pornography website.

After that strange interaction i stayed in town for a tiny bit more before going home. I decided I would write and watch some movies until My mom got home. I turned on the TV and looked for a bit before deciding on watching the nightmare before Christmas (because every day is Halloween/Christmas). By the time the movie was over my mom got home from her interviews.

"hey mom, how did the interviews go?" I asked, turning to look at her.

"I think they went well, but I guess we will see. Did you eat?"

"Yea, and yup I grabbed something while I was in town"

"ok, I'm exhaughsted" she laughed

"yeaa same" I replied.

we both decided to call it an early night, and headed off to our rooms. I got inside my room but I couldn't stop thinking about earlier with the boy. He was tall, around 6'3 maybe, messy blonde hair and these gorgeaus blue eyes. I couldnt help but laugh at myself, it isn't like i'll see him again, no point in aweing over his looks...


SORRY THAT TOOK LONGER THAN EXPECTED BECAUSE I HAD TO GO TO CHOIR AND WHATNOT AHHH. also im not good at writing ling chapters and still making them decent so if they are short just know that I only do that to make sure that you enjoy reading it haha. Ill start writing a new part right away while I wait for my teachers to unlock assignments.

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