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y/n pov--------------------------------------------------------------------------

I woke up very calm this morning, I glanced over at my clock to see that it was 7:50. WAIT-

"SHIT I WOKE UP LATE" I screamed as I basically jumped out of bed, and ran in to the bathroom to take a shower. I took a really fast shower and changed into the first decent thing I saw, skipping breakfast, and running out the door. 

(y/n be looking like a whole teddy bear)

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(y/n be looking like a whole teddy bear)

I almost ran straight into Asher but stopped right before I did.

"h-hi Ash" I panted, out of breath due to all the running. "love todays fit."

(the fit in question)

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(the fit in question)

"Why thank you y/n. Where did you get your clothes from? Build a bear?" he said, laughing at his own joke. I play punched him and acted all pouty until he but his arm around my shoulder and we continued walking to school, making jokes and laughing around. Ash was so easy to get along with and open up to, it was crazy how close we got in the short span we've known each other.

When we reached the school he removed his arm from my shoulder and turned to look directly in my eyes.

"y/n listen to me, if anyone in there gives you any trouble, you tell me. If any boys even look at you wrong I swear to go will-"

"Hey," I said, slowing him down, "I will be ok, I promise" I smiled. Ash gave me a fast tour and quick run down on how things work before we had to part ways and go to class. My first class was very... well it's school so you know. As I was walking to my next class I noticed someone who looked weirdly familiar. He was really tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, for a second I didn't even realize who it was. Then it hit me, the kid from town! He looked over to me and I guess he recognized me too because he turned more red than I thought humanly possible. 

I laughed to myself but still quickly walked to my next class, waving at Asher and sitting down where I was told. The class was about to start when a tall boy came talking so fast that I could barely understand what he was saying. I only made out a few words about almost being late. The teacher (Mr. Marvin) just shushed him and pointed in the direction of his seat, I followed his gaze to, the seat right next to me?!

TommyInnit x Reader, NEW KEY(DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora