"Damnit," Loki cursed when he looked at the blood smeared on his hand.

I grabbed the small bucket while I proceeded to pour some water in it from the container given. I dipped the rag in as I wiped the edge of Loki's mouth for him. He scoffed as I pulled back confused.

"Why are you helping me? I should be the one helping you," Loki chuckled weakly.

I looked up at Loki, smiling to myself. "Whether you are a person, human, or god, you are someone in need. You're injured and I can't just leave you here in this state when you've helped me previous times. It's my time to repay you."

Loki didn't argue back as I could tell he was too tired and weak to protest. I wrapped some gauze around his abdomen to help his ribs. He winced in pain while I kept trying to comfort him. Though, I did apologise many times while cleaning his wounds. The alcohol burned the cuts and gashes causing him to wince and curse under his breath.

I finished up as Loki thanked me. He told me even though wrapping one's abdomen usually isn't something you should do when you break your ribs, it helps immobilise the ribs from moving any more.

"Sorry, I didn't know," I apologised after bandaging up his other cuts.

"It's fine, you tried and that's what counts," Loki stated while grabbing some other medical supplies.

I had multiple cuts on my body. Mostly from Corvus as I knew he was still pissed off from when I first arrived. I turned my back to Loki as I moved my hair to one side of my shoulder. I saw in my peripheral vision that Loki closed his eyes. Knowing that he was waiting, I took off my shirt and sports bra as I held them against my chest.

Loki cleaned the wounds, some wounds burning more than others. The other wounds cracked open and began to bleed. Loki patched the open wounds back up and applied some medicine to the rest of the cuts on my back.

Once he finished, I put my sports bra and shirt back on while Loki once again, closed his eyes, waiting on me. I turned to face him as I started cleaning the cuts on my stomach. I had a few on my arms as I got most of them. I had one gash in my upper leg, but I didn't want to deal with that now.

The rest of my cuts were on my face, collar bones, and shoulders. Loki helped me with those since I couldn't really see where they were. I could feel the cuts, though I didn't know exactly where they were to properly clean them.

-Loki's POV-
I cleaned and bandaged up all of Lorna's wounds except for the giant cut that ran across her collarbones and the deep gash in her upper left leg. I decided to clean the cut first. I knew cleaning the cut would be painful for her as I tried to gently apply alcohol to it. I'm guessing it still hurt her as she pulled back, wincing in pain.

I apologised as I finished up with her cut. I looked at the gash on her upper thigh as I frowned. The gash looked like it was infected as it wasn't a normal red colour around the wound. I wasn't sure how to help clean the wound as it was on her upper thigh. The clothing of her pants around the gash was stuck around her wound as it was trying to heal itself back together.

I'm guessing Lorna noticed me hesitating on how to help her as she told me that her shirt should be long enough to fully cover herself. Her face was a bit pink when she said this. I was embarrassed too as I covered my eyes.

She told me she was done as she had taken off her pants. Her shirt was big enough to cover her as it barely hovered above the gash. I felt my face heat up as I ignored it. I needed to help her since she didn't know how serious the gash was right now.

I began to clean and disinfect the wound as she put her hand up to her mouth. She shut her eyes closed as I knew she was trying to take her mind off of the pain. Although, once I started applying alcohol to her wound, her reflexes kicked in.

Her right arm moved towards my face, but without moving my gaze from her wound, I caught her arm. I held on her wrist in the air while I continued on. However, it wasn't long till her other arm came at me. I quickly dropped the cotton ball I had in my hand when I caught her other wrist. She struggled against me as I whispered for her to calm down.

She calmed down as I told her to hold onto my arms for reassurance. She did so while I started to bandage up the wound. I tried not to touch or apply too much pressure while bandaging the wound. That however, didn't go as planned.

I felt her nails dig into my arm while she leaned her head against my shoulder, crying out in pain.

I winced in pain for a second as I refocused on bandaging up the gash. I'm guessing Lorna realised that her nails hurt me a bit as she quickly stopped.

I finished when I got up and placed the supplies near the door. I realised Lorna put her pants back on as she stayed near my spot. My ribs ached when I walked back towards her. Slowly, my back slid down the wall while I sat down.

After some time, I realised her head was leaned against my shoulder. I heard her shallow breaths as I knew she had fallen asleep. I smiled to myself. I was glad I had someone in my life who saw me more than a mischievous god.

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