Chapter 9

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The rest of the journey was quiet, Erwin stayed next to me with my head resting on his shoulder. It was a comfortable silence though, neither of us wanted to spoil the time we had by trying to spark up a conversation.

I let out a low sigh when I spotted the interior walls coming into view. I sat up straight and moved away from Erwin, allowing myself to ice over again.

"Walls, Erwin." I said as I felt his quizzical gaze on me.


I once again found my self staring out of the window of the carriage as we drew into the city, they clearly hadn't noticed Erens decoy and by now I imagine Armin will be on his way to Annie Leonhart. I didn't feel entirely comfortable about them trying to lure Annie into the underground, she'd be limited yes, but there's families there all the same. My nerves gradually replaced by anticipation and I felt too bare without my gear.

"Do we have any spare ODM gear?" I asked again.

"Levi-" He started, his tone like that of a condescending school teacher. I cut him off with an icy gaze.

"Don't start with that horse shit Erwin, when this all goes to hell you'll need every soldier you can get,"

"We will still need humanities greatest soldier after today, Levi." His steely gaze didn't falter as it met mine.

"Don't call me that," I snapped back clicking my tongue, I hated that label.

I could hear the military police outside the carriage and I straightened up, gradually growing more calm as I focused on the battle ahead.

Suddenly, the carriage was enveloped in a bright light that caught me off guard, then I heard it. Thunder and screaming. They hadn't gotten her down. My eyes met Erwins and he gave me a grim nod.

As we hurried out the carriage, Nile, a commander in the military police and an old friend of Erwins was just up ahead. I watched him carefully, I didn't trust him.

"Nile, deploy all troops immediately, we should assume a titan has already appeared" Erwin called out, Niles face twisted into shock and disbelief. We didn't have time for this

"Are you out of your mind?! This is wall Sina! Theres no way a titan would just suddenly turn up here," He protested.

Jean hopped out of the carriage and shrugged off the MP, before rushing to Erwin for orders.

"Ask squad 4 for equipment," Erwin replied, turning his attention back to a now protesting Nile.

"I like your brass balls but try not to swing em so hard they get you killed," I warned Jean, he was too headstrong.

"Hold on! What the hell?!" Nile demanded confused as Jean ran past him, we didn't have time for this. Just fuck off Nile. I fixed my glare on him. A scout brought Erwin his ODM gear and Erwin suited up in a matter of seconds and I itched to be back in uniform.

"All right! All of you with me! We are rondeauving with the capture squad," Erwin called out to the remaining squad as he strode forward.

"No! The hell you will!" Threatened Nile and my eyes widened as he turned his gun on Erwin, my breath hitched and I took a step forward instinctively. The other MPs turned their guns on Erwin and I stopped, watching the scene unfold before me with trepidation.

Nile threatened he was well within his right to kill Erwin, I'd like to see him try. My gaze narrowed on Nile but I was useless without my gear.

"Think Nile, I find it hard to believe your actually as thick headed as you look. Your a hair trigger away from making the biggest mistake of your life," I said icily, my glare fixed on him.

"Take off your gear before I shoot you!" Nile ignored me, his attention still focused on Erwin.

The blonde however hadn't shown a scrap of fear at being held at gun point, of course he hadn't. He just stood there, as immoveable as a statue and I've never wanted to punch him more in my life. How could he be so reckless? He was putting a lot of faith in Nile, faith which frankly I didn't share. I couldn't help feeling proud as I watched him, as stupid as he was.

Suddenly the sky lit up once again, a second bolt of lightning flashed and I couldn't help but smirking, Eren.

"What now?!" Nile shouted, Erwin once again didn't falter meanwhile the MPs around us looked incredibly unsure and on edge, which could make them dangerous. I took a slight step closer to Erwin as I tried to risk assess.

A loud banshee like screech rang through the city, we needed to get moving, we'd already wasted too much time. I moved just behind Erwin while an MP filled in the ever clueless Nile.

"We've got two of them hashing it out in the streets?" He asked, exasperated. God, he was slow.

"Yes sir, the cities collapsing like a house of cards," the MP replied. I grimaced slightly at that, we needed to go and go now.

"Erwin! Your arrogance has brought hell right to our door!" Nile attacked, I shot him a glare but Erwin finally spoke up before I had the chance to shoot Nile an insult.

"I know," I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, does he have to be so fucking honest all the time?

"I acted entirely on my own authority and I offer no excuses." I waited for him to continue and he just didn't. For fucks sake Erwin. Nile looked ready to burst, he snarled before grabbing Erwin by the collar and pushed him back.

"You knew what this would do to us you son of a bitch, you knew and our lives be damned!"

"Why! Damn you, why?!" Nile pressed angrily.

"For humanity, for our victory," Erwin replied simply, his smooth voice was as unwavering in its resolve as ever and I couldn't help but feel my respect for the commander come out again. Even if he was being a dumbass.

"Don't give me that! Your nothing but a traitor! I should kill you right here and now!" He snapped, he continued talking but I wasn't focusing on that anymore, I watched his trigger finger like a hawk, ready to shove Erwin out of the way if I needed to.

Suddenly, Nile was lowering his gun and I relaxed a little. His MPs placed Erwin under arrest but the rest would focus on evacuation, even as the guilty party Erwins plan still worked out.

"Levi, for now stay here. A pointless death wouldn't suit you." He commanded again, his eyes full of determination as they met mine.

"No I doubt it would, no more than it suits anyone else." I replied, giving him a slight nod. He didn't need to worry about me.

They led him off as the city turned into chaos around us. Once he was out of sight I slipped my arm from sleeve and turned to a lingering scout.

"I need my gear, now brat,"

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