Authors Note

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Hey all! Thanks if you've gotten this far. Just figured id let you all know what's going on. So I won't have a set upload schedule with this, so I'll just post chapters as I write them. This story will follow Levi and Erwin from just before they attempt to catch Annie until Erwins death in season 3. I may do a few random bonus chapters here and there (any ideas let me know). I won't write everything that happens in the anime, I'll mainly show the aftermath of the events and the affect they have on Levi. Characters may be out of character at times, Levi is a hard one to write as he's very emotional but shows that to no one so I'm trying to figure how he'd let his guard down with Erwin. It will be pretty canon to the anime so expect a bitter sweet ending on this one. I'll go back and edit chapters periodically, especially as I get better at writing their characters. Thanks for reading guys, hope your all okay!

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