Bonus 1#

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Just a reminder that this chapter isn't set in present day just in case your confused!


A gentle patterned knock distracted me from my paperwork, I dropped the pen and looked up at the door a little more surprised than I'd like to admit.

"Captain! You better not be working again, Sir!" What on earth was she still doing here?

I crossed the distance from my desk to the door and swung it open sharply causing the familiar blonde haired girl to stumble forward.

"Petra, I told you to go home." I said as she straightened up, smiling slightly at me.

"And I told you not to spend all week off working Captain," She shot back, peering round me to spot the half finished paper work.

"Is that anyway to speak to your superior?" I questioned jokingly, ruffling her hair softly.

"I mean it Levi! You need to look after yourself," She warned me for what must've been the 100th time.

"Okay fine. Breakfast?" I offered, and she nodded with a bright smile as we headed to the main hall abandoning the small pile of paperwork on my desk. The castle was extremely quiet now, most of the scouts headed home during leave, only the captain's, Erwin and the scouts who had no place to go stayed. It was an unspoken rule amoungst the higher ups that stayed to try and make the place feel as homely as possible during leave, for some of us it was the only home we had. Although to be honest, this usually involved drinking games and food.

We strode into the hall only to find everyone else was already there, I guess I'd spent a little too long working. Erwin, Hanje and Mike sat together and there were about 4 other tables of scouts still. So, about 30 of us were still here total.

"I was beginning to wonder if you'd slept in, Levi," Commander Erwin mused with a slight smile. I resisted the urge to role my eyes and clicked my tongue in annoyance before I headed into the kitchen to get some much needed tea.

While the kettle boiled I got some tea leaves from my tin ready as well as a small jar of honey, Petra liked hers with small drizzle of honey in. While I busied my self getting the cups ready I could feel someone's eyes on me.

"So, are you gonna stare at me all week or you going home, Petra?" I called out to the girl who was no doubt leant against the door frame.

"I'm here today but my father wants be home with him tomorrow,"

"Okay." I replied curtly. It was sweet of her to stay, she didn't have to.

I added the hot water to the two cups before adding a generous drizzle of honey to one and stirring it thoroughly, I handed the cup to her and she smiled softly at me.

"You don't have to stay-"

"Will you please stop trying to get rid of me, we're friends and I'm staying." She cut me off bluntly, eyes shining with a familiar fire I'd only ever seen in her.

"Thank you," I said very quietly and the bright smile spread across her features.

"Plus, we need to test the rumours if you can get drunk or not," She added coyly as we walked back to the table, sitting opposite Hanje who had her stuck in a book and Mike who was sipping at a black coffee.

"Never going to happen," I replied shortly.

"Oi, shitty glasses! If I can't work neither can you." I said as deftly swiped the book from her hand and placing it next to me.

"Hey!" She protested and attempted to snatch the book back from me.

"Your like children," Erwin commented, raising his eyebrows at Hanje who was now half leant across the table. She sat back in her seat, a pout settled across her features. I smirked slightly before I gently slid the book back to her.

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