Chapter 15

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We arrived in Ehrmich while the stars still lit the sky. Eren had fallen quiet, Hanjes idea to use him to plug the holes in the wall was a good one but the boy was still that, a boy. A child with the responsibility of saving us all, it was too much pressure for him to shoulder alone. But he had to, I may not see it as clearly as Erwin does but I'm still reaching for that future with him and Eren was our last shred of hope to cling to.

To say I escorted the priest would be putting it too politely I think, it mainly involved me kicking the old bastard in the direction I wanted him to go. He stopped as we reached the crowds, stuck like a frightened deer. The refugees had gathered here, it was reminiscent of Stohess, the same blanket of fear had smothered the district. People trudged forward with emotionless faces while children screamed for their parents.

"Hey, keep moving." I commanded, he didn't have the right to stand here and pity these people. Nor did I.

"You'll end up like a lost little kid." I added purposefully, twisting that stab of guilt I knew he must feel. He stared forward like he hadn't heard me. Bastard.

"Th-This is..." He managed before his words failed him. I glared into the wall next to him.

"What did you expect to see?" I spat.

"This is what happens when the wall falls." A child cried out for his parents and the priest started towards him before my hand firmly pulled him back.

"Where do you think your going?" I asked, my voice still deadpan and calm, he didn't deserve to pity these people. He put them here.

"Take a good look at the faces of people who've lost everything. The faces of everyone you and your people abandoned."

"If your church's wish comes true, and Titans come flooding through the walls, we'll all be gobbled up in their stinking mouths and die in the most miserable way possible. All of humanity digested as one." He didn't answer me after that. Nor did I expect him to.

We walked in silence then to where the other scouts had gathered, he kept his head down and I did the same. I was useless right now. I couldn't protect these people.

"Have you had a change of heart yet?" Hanje asked when we reached her. The priest stayed silent and Hanjes rage spattered like a kettle.

"We don't have time for this! You know this, don't you?! Will you talk, or won't you?! Make up your mind already!" She demanded, shouting in his face now.

"I cannot say anything. The other believers are the same as I, and that will never change." He replied still not meeting her eye, his voice lacked a lot of indignation it had earlier.

"Well thanks for nothing! We're so grateful for all the help you've been!" Hanje seethed as she turned away.

"It's too great a decision for a single person to make. The order of the walls must adhere to the to the sacred rule we're all bound to obey" He continued, his voice gaining a little confidence as he repeated his rhetoric. I rolled my eyes, I was running out of patience with this shit show. I should of shot him when I had the chance.

"Whose will?" Hanje countered.

"God or something?"

"I cannot say anything." At that I turned away, Erens trio had gathered behind Hanje and my mind had wondered to Erwin.

"I can inform you of a name, who under their sacred will, we were instructed to monitor." Finally, the priest had something.

"Monitor?" Hanje probed.

"That person joined the Scout Regiment as of this year." A cold chill ran down my spine, one of the recruits?

"Christa Lenz."

I didn't recognise her name but the recruits certainly did.


It was the early hours of the morning when the plans for the coming days and weeks were settled. Sasha, a recruit had rushed here to tell us of the danger that now faced the cadets and in particular interest to the priest, Christa Lens. I watched them leave feeling thoroughly useless. Erwin had suspended by duties but with far more strictness than before. Hanjes squad and the trio headed to assist the young cadets and Mikes squad while I'll remained thoroughly useless. It was strange to think how little time passed between the expedition that had wiped out my squad and where we stood now. It felt like weeks but it had barley been one.

The pain in my leg was like a wildfire, shook from riding and walking with little time to rest. I leaned back against the cool stone wall and exhaled shakily. I resented Erwin for grounding me. Overprotective prick.

"Levi?" Speak of the devil.


It's been a while! Hello guys!! Quite a few more of you here than last time I updated! This chapter is very plot focused so I'm sorry if it was boring or hard to follow. Levi has very little screen time in season 2 so I guess we'll see what he's been up to! For those of you confused, Levi injured his ankle against the fight with the female Titan which was less than a week ago in the canon timeline (tho it feels longer). Won't be seeing Eren and the gang for a little while. Looking forward to writing these next few chapters! It can be hard to write when following the plot closely since I have to reference the episodes as I go, which makes it hard to write easily but since Levi wasnt involved it makes it easier for me haha.

Thanks as always, Blue.

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