Chapter 3

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With my washing and Erwins tucked under my arm I headed down to the stream at dawn, just before the others woke up. The gentle breeze and warm summer rays coupled with the birds song calmed me as I washed the clothes. These were my favourite type of days, as much as I love killing those titan bastards I like the days were I can pretend I have a little normality as pointless as it is. I washed my clothes thoroughly, taking special care with the delicate fabric of the ascot before hanging them on the make shift line I had made. No one washes their clothes this far down stream, idiots, it's the area with the most spagnhum moss in the water that keeps it clean.

With my clothes clean and drying I got to work on Erwins. I washed the larger clothes carefully, making sure they were thoroughly cleaned before hanging them along side my own. They made me look like a child. A cold breeze caught me as I washed the rest of them so I wrapped one of his larger cloaks around me, ignoring how much that comforted me. With the last his clothes washed and hung up I decided to sit under the oak tree for a while, everyone was still waking up so I'd have plenty of time to wash the cloak and get back before anyone needed me. Pulling the cloak tighter around my shoulders I barley noticed as the gentle gurgle of the stream lulled me to sleep.


Three sharp knocks made me stir, the sun was creeping through my window. What time was it?

"Commander Erwin? Are you okay sir?" One of the new cadets asked through the door, Armin I believe. I must've slept in, how did I get into bed?

"Yes, just catching up with some paperwork. Do you need me for anything cadet?" I asked, hoping my tiredness hadnt snuck into my voice.

"Section Commander Hanji just wanted to ask if we could arrange a meeting later on today" He asked, this was probably the most confident I'd heard Artlet sound.

"Of course," I replied as I stood quickly and dressed. My head ached and the stale smell of whisky on my clothes rushed back memories. Levi. That was so unprofessional of me, I should apologise before we meet with Hanji. I grabbed a clean uniform and dressed hurriedly, I was already late. I slid on my coat that was folded neatly on my chair along with my boots. I pulled them on and stepped out into my office which was considerably cleaner than I remembered leaving it. Everything was ordered in a maticulous fashion that I recognised as Levi, I noticed the pile of clothes had gone too and I couldn't help but smile softly to myself, to think he wanted to kill me when we first met.

I headed out the door moving towards the hall were most people would be having breakfast, the sound of chatter rose as I got closer and gave the occasional nod to my soliders. I opened the door and glanced towards my table expecting to see Levi with a black tea and a book as I usually did but it was empty. I frowned slightly as my gaze searched through the hall for him but the raven haired boy was no where to be found. I wondered if I had spooked him last night, I doubted it. I spotted Eren heading to his table so I moved towards him.

"Eren, have you seen Captain Levi?" I asked.

"Oh Commander Erwin!" Exclaimed Eren, jumping to a salute before continuing.

"No Sir, he didn't answer when I knocked this morning." He explained, I nodded before leaving trying to think of where he could be. He could still be out washing the clothes, I felt a pang of guilt, he must be exhausted. Not that Levi would ever show that.

I headed outside quickly, following the stream until I spotted a clothing line with a familiar ascot. Found him. As I got closer I noticed Levi leant on the tree, fast asleep. He had a scouts cloak wrapped around him, far too big for him. My cloak I mused with an unapologetic smirk. The sun reflected on his ebony black hair and his pale ivory skin was touched with pink. He was so beautiful. I didn't want to wake him yet so I decided to fold the clean clothes first so he could sleep a little longer.

I tried my best to fold them neatly as I made a pile for Levi's and a pile for mine, not that they'd be likely to be mixed up. It wasn't quite as neat as Levis folding but it would do. I gathered up the wooden pegs and the clothing line placing them next to Levi's clothes.

"What're you doing?" A familiar cold voice asked, I noticed the grogginess in his voice. I turned around to see him rubbing his eyes sleepily, that was adorable. I smiled softly at him and his eyes narrowed as he shot daggers at me.

"What're you smiling at eyebrows?" He demanded icily as he stood up straight and folded up my cloak hastily.

"Nothing, Captain," I replied handing him his clothes.

"Thanks," He said quietly taking them from me. He looked down at the cloak in hands before speaking.

"I- Uh. I didn't get time to wash this sorry." He said avoiding eye contact.

"It's fine Levi, keep it. It looks better on you anyway," I replied before I could stop myself. I froze watching his reaction carefully. It was subtle but I didn't miss the pale pink that tinted his cheeks as he placed my cloak with his other clothes. I smirked again.

"What did you need Commander?" He asked, looking at me through his narrowed eyes once again. I composed myself, Levi was one of my soldiers, I needed to get a hold of myself. I was being irresponsible.

"Hanji wants to meet with us, whatever she's been talking to Armin Artlet about seems to have come to a head." He looked up at me, back to the same stone cold Captain he always was and nodded as he gathered up his clothes and headed back to the castle. I watched him leave with a smile before doing the same.

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