Chapter 2

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I undressed quickly, folding my dirty clothes neatly into a pile. I slipped on a plain white t shirts and black pants getting ready to catch up on all of the reports I hadn't had the energy to cover. 

The last couple of days had been uneventful, most of the survey core was still recovering from the mission, myself included. I had kept a closer eye on Erwin and Hanji at first, in case he decided to let her know about my ridiculous behaviour the other night but she was unusually quiet. Spending most of her time talking to Armin Artlet, a new rookie with a good mind for strategy. Erwin was preoccupied with planning our upcoming trip to the capital, the military police wanted Eren. I'm sure he had another gamble waiting.  With my leg injured and our work on hold I spent most of my time talking to Eren but there's only so much of that I can take. So I usually sat at Erwin's table in a comfortable silence. The other members of Erens cadet core seemed promising enough, particularly Mikasa Ackerman. Her blind loyalty to Eren was just as annoying as it was helpful. I wondered if our last names were just a coincidence, but her file showed her parents were killed and its not like I have my own to ask either. It makes little difference in the end.

I slumped into my desk and began to write up the reports, I wrote curtly, no need to waste time on unnecessary information. I switched off as I wrote the repetitive papers, refusing to relive that mission and how wrong things had gone. Erwins gamble hadn't paid off this time. I copied up Erens statement about the female titan as well as writing my own, gauging her threat level and how best to tackle her. If my entire squad had fallen to the bitch then she would be beyond a single squads capability. I didn't know enough of her skills to kill her myself, it was too risky. Eren was still too niave to his powers to handle her alone, if he could even control his rage enough to be helpful in one of Erwins plans. He could serve well as bate though. I mulled dozens of scenarios over as I finished up the last of the reports, none of them helpful. Guess there's a reason I usually leave the strategy to the commander. It was late by time I had finished and the castle was quiet, I scooped up the papers and slid them into an envelope planning to slide them under the commanders door. 

The halls of the castle were pretty much empty except the occasional scout that scurried out of site when they heard my footsteps or caught sight of me. Erwins light was still on, he's not usually awake at the his time. I gave three short knocks before speaking.

"Commander Erwin? I have the reports." 

"Enter," A steady voice replied.

"These took way longer than I thought, Hanji can do her own nex-" I stopped when he looked up and caught sight of his face. He looked so tired. There were papers and various statements scattered around his large desk and the floor for that matter. There was a pile of dirty clothes screwed up in the corner of his room and the bags under his eyes made me wonder when he last slept. How hadn't I noticed before?

"Go on Levi, as you were saying," He urged, his voice the same steady force of reason it always was but I didn't miss the way he wobbled as he stood up.

"It can wait till morning, sorry to have disturbed you sir," I replied, turning quickly to leave but his hand caught my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Levi, about what happened to Petra," His large blue eyes wers unusually dull as he looked at me. I shook my head confused.

"She knew what this job meant, she gav-" I tried to say only to be cut off.

"It was my fault, you lost her because of my arrogance." His voice was dark and only then did I smell the whisky on his breath. I dropped my eyes for a second, not wanting to think of her. 

"Have you been drinking?" I asked coldly, my eyes narrowing eager to to change the topic. 

"Only a bottle." He replied simply. I looked at him bewildered.

"Tch, only a bottle of whisky" I seethed quietly. What an idiot. I looked up at his face and softened at the expression. His eyes were sad? Is the best way I can describe them, he looked so guilt ridden. I can't leave him like this. I grabbed him by the arm and guided him gently to his bed in the side room, he followed with little resistance. He sat on the bed but didn't move, just looked at his hands. His eyes unreadable now. I was unsure if I should go and leave him or stay to make sure he was okay. I squatted on his thankfully clean bedroom floor and looked up at him, he met my gaze. I sucked in a breath as his crystal blue eyes locked with mine.

"Are you okay?" I asked, making my voice soft and comforting. 

"Your so cute when your trying to be nice," He replied with a chuckle, his words slurring. I glowed red at his words and looked down, ignoring the way he was looking at me. His soft laugh sounded like bells. I shook my head, frowning, I'm just tired and he's just drunk.

"I'll take that as a no," I replied, my voice cool as I ignored him and regained my composure. He's clearly had way too much to drink. Deciding he needed to sleep it off I tugged off his leather boots and slid off his coat ignoring his gaze on me as I did so. I folded them neatly on the chair next to his bed before coaxing him under the covers.

I lingered awkwardly after he fell asleep unsure if it was safe to leave him. It was refreshing to see him look so peaceful, for as long as I've known Erwin I'd never seen him just relaxed. He really was quite handsome. I'd seen this before of course but looking at him now I could really see it. I nervously took a hand and pushed the strands of blonde hair behind his ear, ignoring the uneasy feeling in my stomach. 

I shook my head and quickly escaped into his office. I left the door open so I could hear if he needed anything while I quickly cleaned. I was soothed by faint snoring as I organised his papers into neat stacks and folded all his laundry deciding I would take them with me when I left and wash them as I had some to do myself. I quickly searched through his draws and grabbed the empty whisky bottle as well as a couple of bottles of expensive looking red. If he couldn't drink in moderation he really shouldn't be drinking, what if something happened? After a sweep and dust I looked at the now neat office and decided that would do.

I glanced at the now fast asleep Erwin through the door deciding to stay to make sure he was okay, I would leave at dawn and wash his clothes before anyone else woke up. Especially him. 

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