Chapter 14

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There was an uneasy tension in the air, it felt like the entire scout regiment was holding its breath. Night had fallen now, casting long shadows in the flickering torch light and an icy chill had settled over us. Ahead of us, I could just make out the glimmer of golden blonde hair I recognised as Erwin. He felt so far away now.

"Sorry to keep ya! Took longer to prepare than we thought," Hanje greeted the trio of young cadets brightly, her casual demeanour contrasted with the dark feeling of unease that had settled across the courtyard. Artlets eyes widened in surprise at the old bastard next to me, a priest, but Ackerman seemed far more focused on Eren who was considerable more awake than last I saw him.

I hopped into the cart first, ignoring a dull sting that finally felt like it was leaving me. I resisted the urge to nudge the priest away from me as he clambered in, followed by Hanje. Shooting a quick glare towards the priest I turned forward, my eyes trained on the Commander who was shadowed by dozens of scouts.

"Um, isn't this a priest from the order of the walls?" Asked the blonde, he sounded dumbfounded by the situation. Aren't we all.

"Yeah. Nick and I are best buddies. Right?" She said brightly, wrapping an arm around the stiff priest who seemed to wince away from her touch. Can't imagine why.

"Don't let him bother you," She soothed, her arm still around the priest. I forced my gaze away from Erwin knowing he wouldn't turn around to look at me.

"The whole make up of this squad doesn't make any sense," She mused, clever. Armin was young but had a bright mind for strategy that could only be compared to Erwins, she thought the blonde had probably figured out what we were doing here and she was trying to coax it from him.

"Does it Levi?" I repressed a smirk.

"No, I think it might. Erwin picked them out for a reason." I replied, a confidence in my voice that only seemed to fire up when I spoke about him. She threw me a surprised look but didn't have the chance to say anything else.

"Open the gate!" A cadet shouts boomed across the courtyard as the gates began to raise. Erwin turned on his horse so that he was facing his men while he spoke, even from here I recognised the steely certainty in his voice that had united us all behind him.

"This situation within Wall Rose is unclear, but everything up until Ermich is safe. We'll save time going through there!" For a second I thought his gaze met mine, but we were too far away to tell and he turned his horse away as a chorus of 'yes sir' rang through the courtyard. I felt a sudden yearning to be by his side again, like we normally were and I dropped my gaze, staring too hard at the wood of the old cart.

"Take us out," I ordered as we whirled into motion behind the scouts who had surged forward.

I let Hanje explain the situation to the three as the world flew past us, a pretty painting of dark greens and blues. I couldn't help my thoughts turning to Lucas, meeting him this morning seemed so far away now but I couldn't get his staunch certainty out of my head. He was so sure that his mother or father would return for him, or his brother. In reality, I think he's another orphan we created and the guilt I felt for the little dark haired boy was crushing. I wonder if this was how Kenny had seen me. I had been weak then but I was strong enough to do something now.

Inevitably, Erwin drifted back to my mind. I couldn't see him now, just the bright flames of distant torch lights. In all the years I'd known him he really hadn't changed, the determination in those blue eyes and the hope, something which was so alien to me and the underground. Looking back, I think there was always something unspoken between us, a strange tension. I found myself wishing I'd acted on it sooner, how much time did we have left now?

Eren interrupted my thoughts, the fiery brat had a cool rage I didn't often see in him.

"No,no,no,no this is all backwards!" He seethed. I felt the priest shift slightly next to me, I shot him a dark glare.

"If there's something you know, tell us about it now!" He demanded, the rage lit up his eyes with a scary glint. I gave him a quick one over, I trusted the kid not to get out of hand but he was mad and injured, I'd step in if I needed to.

"Nothing's more important than keeping humans from going extinct!" He went on, he brought his hand up and I tensed for a second but he ended up clutching his head, wincing in pain. I felt a pant of guilt for doubting him. He's fiery and unpredictable but his passion and determination was remarkable. Shame his combat skills aren't as remarkable.

"Eren, settle down." Ackerman soothed him gently, concern coating her words. The priest relaxed slightly next to me and I felt a cool fire in me, give me a couple of hours and I could get any answers we need from him. Though Erwin may not approve of my methods.

"Your still not fully healed," She reminded him softly, though I doubt the fiery brat has forgotten.

A coating of ice snuck it's way into my voice as I spoke, my gun catching the moonlight as I cocked it towards the lanky bastard.

'There's more than one way to get answers. I may be injured and useless right now, but it doesn't take much to watch one man," I warned flatly.

"I'm hoping we can settle this without blasting a hole in anyone, aren't you?" I asked the priest, my voice suddenly deceptively soft.

"Threatening him doesn't work, Levi, believe me I've tried." Hanje dismissed my threats easily. Hanje had a cruel streak that matched mine under her cheery disposition, if she couldn't get it from him then I probably couldn't either. I lowered the gun.

"It's seem to me that this priest is capable of sound judgement," She continued, a respect in her voice I hadn't expected. Though Hanje had always been able to view people's strengths objectively, I remembered during that first expedition she was the only one who spoke to us like we were people.

"That's why I wonder, what if the reason he doesn't talk is because he knows something more important than the fate of humanity?" There was an open challenge in her voice, whatever this priest knew, Hanje would soon work it out.

I had expected some argument from Eren or perhaps a wise word from the blonde but the cart lapsed into silence. It was bitterly cold now, the nights air biting at us mercilessly but no one seemed to notice. We all had people we might loose today. Except the priest. Armin looked worried but that wasn't an unusual thing for the blonde but the fear on Erens face was definitely a new one. I was used to seeing him angry and passionate but beneath it all I could see the worry in those eyes.

"Well, this is fucking cheery, isn't it?" I broke the silence after a while, eager to distract the young scouts from the hypotheticals running through their heads. Hanje seemed to catch my intention and instantly filled the silence. We fell into a pointless conversation, Hanje excitedly talking/ranting about Erens ability and exploring theories with the cadets in question struggling to get a word in edge ways.


Finally! Sorry this chapter took so long guys, it's currently my finals so I'm running low on free time! I finish soon though so I should be able to update more often. Thank you again for all the support on this story, it's been amazing!

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