Chapter 30

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You were in your room after detention unbridge made you write with some quill that wrote what you wrote into your skin

Suddenly someone walks in and sees your arm and you in pain and runs over "Cedric?" You say and he nods

"You haven't written me I was worried." He says and you nod

"Umbridge the worlds worst teacher ever I can't even write a letter home to see how my kids are because she doesn't care and she acts like she's the boss when she's not." You say and Cedric kissed your hand

"She did this to you?" He says angry as you nod

"Some quill she forced me to use after I spoke against her." You say and he kisses your hand

"I'm telling your parents I'm not letting her hurt you again." Cedric says and then he hides under your bed after someone opens the door

"Hey you ok?" Draco says and then Cedric pops up and closes the door and locks it

"She will be." Cedric says as Draco isn't used to seeing Cedric he always gets scared like he saw Cedric downstairs with you and Draco said Ugh I'm starting to see Cedric with how much you talk about him and Cedric just laughed and said I'm a ghost spooky spooky which made you laugh

"What are you doing here?" Draco says and Cedric looks at him

"To make sure y/n is ok and thankfully I did I'll be telling your mother." Cedric says and you hug him tightly not wanting to let him go

"Don't leave me again." You say and Cedric kisses your cheek as he holds you close to him

"I'll have to I'm sorry I'll see you soon." Cedric says and you hold him close to you and he just stays like that for a few seconds before he kisses you "Ok I need to leave." Cedric says then he jumped out the window making you scream and then you see him fly off on a broom below what the hell is wrong with him

"Do that again you're dead!!!!!" You yell at him and you just imagined him laughing like oops sorry didn't mean to scary you 'I swear how dare he scare me like that!!!!'

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