Chapter 9

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Your dad was saying stuff and then he said the babies last name will be malfoy "No." You quietly say and your dad heard

"Care to repeat that y/n?" Your dad says and you nod

"I said no I'm giving them Cedrics last name I can't marry the love of my life so let me do this one thing I lost him dad and now I'm thrown into being pregnant, I get you didn't like Cedric but I loved him and this is my child I make decisions." You say as you then walk up to your room and put on Cedrics clothes and got into bed

As you were trying to sleep you then felt like someone was kissing your nose and a hand where your baby is and you opened your eyes

You thought you saw Cedric smiling at you and gasped but then he disappeared and you started to cry 'I can't handle grief anymore I'm starting to see him and feel him, I wish it was him and his ghost was coming to see me I just want him here with me' you think as you then closed your eyes as you cried

|Your dream|

You were having a picnic at this place Cedric always wanted to take you one day it was so romantic

You and him kiss and when you pull away you see him dead on the ground just laying there as you were right back to when you saw his body and you just started screaming

Your mother runs in "Sweetie are you ok? is it another nightmare? Oh sweetie." She asks and you nod as you had dried tears "As you were asleep cedrics dad came and dropped some of cedrics stuff he thought you'd want." She says and you nod and get up and walk over to the boxes and see a scrapbook he made of photos of you both and you laughed and cried as you looked through the memories "I love you so much Cedric I miss you."

|a few nights later|

You were sitting by your window looking at the moon as you talk to yourself "Cedric I miss you." You say and then you heard a voice in your head

"I miss you too y/nbear." His voice says as you then you start crying

"Come back to me please. I truly do love it when you called me y/nbear I just never showed it why didn't I show it more." You say as tears stream down your cheeks like a waterfall "Ced please just come back to me please I can't handle you gone anymore just let this be a cruel prank please. I don't want this to be reality." You say as you look at the sky as your eyes started to sting from crying so much "I'm so stupid talking to the sky hoping where ever you are your talking to me back, why did you have to die why! Why couldn't it have been Harry why did you have to die!" You say as you just emotionlessly stare at the moon 'I need you back Cedric please I wish this was all a nightmare'

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