Chapter 43

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Cedric came back from going out somewhere and sat on the bed as you were asleep with the twins

Cedric kisses you as he sits on the chair and just closes his eyes as Draco was in the other bed and the twins took up all the space with you

So sleeping on the chair works even if it's uncomfortable

Cedric then stands up and starts packing everything as he flaked to a friend of his in the muggle world who was very confused how he's alive but he explained everything

And how your all running

He agreed to let you all stay if you needed and help the best they can

Cedric decided he'd tell you later about all of this and let you sleep

|Later ok that night|

You were getting the twins food ready when Cedric mentions moving in with a friend of his

"Ok." You say and Cedric nods

"We're all packed and ready to go whenever." Cedric says and you nod

|That night|

You all left and went to Cedrics friends house

Which there was a guest room in the basement well really a basement apartment truly

"If you need anything just ask me." He says and you nod and then you see a girl probably Dracos age peeking down and Cedric whispers that's his friends younger sister

Draco was sitting on the couch in the room with Camilla

Cedric kisses your cheek and takes CJ who was so sleepy and just wanted to go to bed now

The sister now was glaring which you didn't know why?

"Hi Abigail." Cedric says and she giggles and runs upstairs

Oh she has a crush on Cedric that's why she doesn't like you now you got it now

'I am glad we can basically take care of the twins in a proper basically apartment hotel hopping was getting harder and harder'

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