Chapter 22

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You were putting the twins down for a nap as Cedric was changing into some of his clothes that you have after he took a shower when he was done he walked to where you were

"Cedric are you happy I saved you?" You ask looking over and he nods

"Yes of course I'm so happy I know you had to fake I was dead so that the past wouldn't change, but I'm here now and that's all that matters right?" He says and you kiss him and he kisses you back. He then noticed the engagement ring he was gonna give you was on your finger "Did my parents give you this?" He asks and you nod

"Yeah they found it as they were finding stuff that I would like to have of yours I have so much of your stuff now that's also why I have your clothes and so much I basically stole it all." You say and Cedric nods as he chuckles

"I hope they didn't find my recordings." Cedric says and then you grab one and play it and he looked shocked "Yeah they found them." He says and you laugh and kiss his nose

"It was the first thing your mom looked for knowing you kept it all these years." You say and Cedric smiles as he thinks of all the records kid him did and the ones he did in Hogwarts once he met you and needed to ramble "I never wanna lose you again Cedric I felt like I couldn't breath without you around and people telling me that I should move on that it's been enough time to get over you." You say as you cry into his arms and he holds you

"Even me isn't that right? The letter my parents probably gave you so then even me and I probably hurt you." He says and you shake your head

"No you didn't you just wanted me to be happy and know your ok with it, it was the people who didn't know anything and talk behind my back and my dad saying I shouldn't have even been with you in the first place." You say and Cedric nods

*I'feel so bad for her I hurt her so badly but I need to make it up to her I can't hurt her ever again'

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