Chapter 8

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You ended up fainting in the hall way the same day you've been fainting a lot because you stay up half the night just crying

|Dracos pov|

I run to my sister after she fainted again and professor McGonagall runs over seeing everything "Someone get her to the hospital wing I'll contact her parents to come quickly." She says and I pick my sister up and as I was walking she said something

"Cedric." She muttered and I felt so bad for her she lost the love of her life since he died I've never seen her smile she doesn't even sleep anymore that's probably why she's been fainting "I need you come back to me." She mutters again and I get her to the hospital wing and madam pomfrey nods knowing what happened

Professor McGonagall runs in "Draco your parents are on their way I got an immediate message to them." She says and I nod as I sit beside my sister and she kept saying cedrics name over and over again professor McGonagall sighed "Poor girl it's gonna take a long time for her to heal be a good younger brother and be there for her." She says and I nod when it comes to my sister I am really soft we act tough with each other but we love each other she's my older sister

When y/n woke up our parents were here and our mother was holding her hand "Sweetie I'm taking you to a doctor now no questions ok and then your coming home ok? Everyone has agreed you need to come home your too stressed out, I know you feel like leaving here is leaving Cedric but he would want you to prioritize your health first." Your mother says and you nod and your mom helps you up and you notice your dad

"Hi dad." You say and he nods

"Draco go to class your late." Your dad says and he nods and walks off and your mother helps you walk


You were home now after your doctors appointment with your hands over your stomach as you were crying

Now you knew why you were sick the last few weeks it wasn't the stress again, you just wish you found out when Cedric was alive 'Why life Cedric dies and I'm pregnant? I get me and Cedric had sex especially after when his name was called we spent so much time and did it multiple times, and now I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do anymore'

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