Chapter 7

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You were wearing Cedric's clothes you needed to feel like he was with you his smell that was on his clothes was so comforting

You haven't stopped crying since he died and it's been 3 days

You haven't slept in 3 days either and Draco is allowed to stay with you in your room because you need your brother right now

Your parents want you to come home but you just needed to stay here for the last few days

Professors said not to do any last assignments as your boyfriend just died you can barely even walk or think or even get dressed any more

Your friends are always with you as well as Dracos making sure your always ok when your not the love of you life is dead you feel like you died with him

"Y/n Harry is coming over." Your friend says and you were still crying and you took a deep breath as you look over at him

"Y/n I'm sorry about Cedric I promise you I had nothing to do with it I promise Voldemort he killed him." He says and you glare at him

"I don't wanna see you because of you I lost the love of my life I wish you died so I'd have Cedric here. Like it's always your fault isn't it? Whenever something goes wrong in the school you and your friends are always the cause since you came to Hogwarts you've caused nothing but trouble. You were a bad luck charm right from the day you were born and your scar proves that." You yell and Draco put a hand on your shoulder to try and calm you down

"I can explain." He says and you slap him shocking everyone around you slapped him so hard he fell to the ground

"I don't wanna hear it because at the end of the day he's dead all because of you, your lucky I don't kill you right here and now. Or maybe they should have thrown you into Azkaban." You say as tears were streaming down your face as you put the hood of Cedrics hoodie up because you didn't want people to see you crying so much

Draco took you away glaring

"You know Potter I bet you killed Cedric and blamed it on you know who so you could win like how you somehow put your name in the goblet of fire, you always have to be apart of everything huh? Now stay away from my sister or else I'll kill you." Draco says as you burst into tears as you scream and cry and fell to the floor and Draco grabs you quickly and your friends looked worried

"Oh no is she ok?" Your friend asks and Draco checks to make sure your not gonna faint again

"She's not gonna faint don't worry let's get her to bed." Draco says and you hug Draco not wanting to let go

|Harrys pov|

I felt terrible I wish Cedric didn't die and y/n was right it is all my fault I shouldn't have even been in the tournament if I wasn't then Cedric would have won and still be here

Now he's dead and y/ns health is getting worse by the day it's all my fault


Cedrics ex girlfriend he dated before you and him dated walks over to you as you were crying

"Man overdramatic much?" Fiona says laughing and you look at her

"My boyfriend died!" You say standing up and she laughs

"Ok? I bet he was only using you to get over me! And he only kept dating you because he couldn't be with me." She says and you roll your eyes

"Says the girl who cheated on him, now listen me and Cedric actually love each other unlike you I know you never gave a shit about him but I love him so much, why don't you fake pretending to care about him and that his death is such a inconvenience in your life! Because I'm the one who is tormented here not you! Your only using his death as a way to get sympathy so fucking stop!" You yell fed up with her saying how much she loved Cedric and her stupid friends listening to her as everyone else in the school is just annoyed, like everyone knows she cheated multiple times on Cedric, and now she's wanting sympathy because your getting it and she wants to be the centre of attention

"He probably never loved you." She says as you look at your necklace from Cedric that said C.D & F/I .M with an infinity symbol (F/I is first initial btw)

"Your only jealous he got me cute little gifts like necklaces and stuff and never got you anything, your only jealous he actually slept with me but with you he said he wasn't ready, so you cheated on him because he wasn't giving you sex, your just jealous he gave me his sweaters and hoodies a month into us dating and you both dated 6 months and he never gave you it once! Your just jealous he actually loved me more and forgot all about you in a week." You say and she slaps you which basically everyone in Hogwarts saw her do that and someone ran over

"What the hell is wrong with you she's grieving and you slap her?" A random girl says and she laughs

"She's an attention whore I'm the only one who actually cares about Cedric." She says as you hold Cedrics sweater close to you and she then tried to grab it off you and a professor walks over and gave her detention and even longer detention when everyone told them what she was doing to you

"Your the attention whore you only care that Cedric died and you can get sympathy off it but if you truly cared about Cedric you'd want him back not dead I just want him back!!!! All I want is him back in my arms again!!!" You yell as you burst out crying and Draco walks over and hugs you 'I just want Cedric back with me that's all I want I'd give up anything for him back'

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