Chapter 15

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Everyone talks about you all the time you pass by everyone and hear your name

Today your mother brought you baby clothes shopping to get your mind off the stress

When some girl sees and you says basically right in front of you "Look at her she acts like he just died." Some girl says and your brother glares at her as he was allowed to come as well

"Duh the love of her life is dead now if someone you loved died you'd be sad now shut it." Draco says and you just pull him away

'I get some people don't understand why I'm so sad and I understand they don't have to, but no need to be so rude about it.' you think as you were clutching onto Cedrics sweatshirt


You were sitting with your friends at home in the living room and you were just zoned out and your friends noticed and they also realized your brother is rarely not by your side "Y/n your really pregnant?" One of your friends say and you look at them

"Yeah I am and I wish I had went to the doctor one of the weeks when he was alive so he'd know and now I see him everywhere I look, I hear him talk to me and I feel his touch as I'm asleep people say I'm not insane but I feel insane." You say as tears rolled down your cheeks

|Harrys Pov|

Wo r spread in the papers every day about y/n malfoy and her condition and how she's pregnant

"I feel worse now." I say to Ron

"Because she's pregnant with Cedrics child? I bet you would but don't beat yourself up about it Harry." Ron says and I looked shocked

"How can I not? Cedric won't ever be able to meet his child now and have you all read what y/n does daily from the paper? Stare at a wall mostly unless she's dragged out. Cedrics child is gonna grow up without a father and it's all my fault!" I say and Mrs Weasley was even here listening and didn't say anything I think she was as stunned as Ron was 'I wanna make it up to y/n but she won't even let me talk to her'

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