Chapter 10

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You got a letter from Harry apologizing about everything and if you'll forgive him

Dear y/n

It's me Harry Potter I know you've probably stopped reading already I just wanted to apologize I didn't mean for him to die I'm so sorry I know you won't ever forgive me and I don't deserve it your right Cedric should be alive, he told me to tell you that he's sorry he won't be coming back like he promised and to take his body back to you and his father

You crumpled up the paper and threw it as you felt tears well up in your eyes and you blinked not wanting to cry again 'Cedric didn't deserve to die I'm never loving anyone again, the people who let Cedric die deserve to die! That stupid tournament should die!!! And everyone who thinks putting kids in challenges to their death is ok!' you think as you then go back to looking through the stuff Cedrics dad brought over for you

He gave you more of his clothes since you told him how you love wearing it you feel as if he's with you and you just feel so safe like his arms are wrapped around you so today he came over with a big bag of clothes for you which is nice they don't have to do stuff for you like this

Their were recordings that Cedric had he taped himself with a muggle tape recorder, which used to be his aunts but now it was his because he would ramble as a kid a lot and make up stories using his imagination so they gave it to him to record it all so he could remember

And it was what to say before yours and his first date and other stuff

You press play and smiled

"Ok so today is my first date with y/n malfoy the super cute girl she's the girl who's one year younger then me I talked about, well she said yes to a date with me now I'm super nervous and I don't wanna mess up, so how about I say hi? Simple enough or I can be charming and say hi y/n you look lovely today, yes its perfect so smooth Cedric." It kept going until he said crap it's almost time for our date and you laughed

'how can I love anyone else when I've been with the him? He's the one who had the key to my heart and now that key is gone as well as him'

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