Chapter 24

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You were so happy to have the love of your life back that you had so many feelings inside you

And lately all you both can do is kiss each other and take care of the twins you were just so happy your perfect life

And soon enough time passed by and you had to go back to Hogwarts for your last year and now you have to pretend Cedric is dead now

You walk into the school wearing Cedrics hoodie your now wearing it because he has to stay at your house and watch the twins now so you miss him in a different kind of way

"Y/n!" One of your friends calls out

"Oh hello." You say and she smiles

"I saw in the daily prophet you had twins and they are named Cedric and Camilla diggory so cute." She says and you nod

"Cedric junior his mother wanted that so I respected it and named him that, actually I just call him CJ i told them that but they just went with Cedric because it seemed more sad or something honestly." You say and she nods

"They are really adorable." She says and you smile and then walk off saying you need some time alone now

But everyone came up asking you about the twins and you answered as truthfully as you could

Like when they ask who's watching them you can't say your dead boyfriend you brought back "My mother is." You say with a fake smile that your so used to giving people since Cedric died

Even Cedric said stop giving me that fake smile wheres your real one if you lost it I'll search the world to find it which was very cute

Draco walks over and says you should have some alone time and you nod and of course Draco knows now that Cedric is alive like he screamed when Cedric walked through the door with you, Draco was screaming ghost! Ghost! Ghost! What the hell there's a ghost *I just can't wait to go back home*

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