56 |The One With The Pregnancy Test

Start from the beginning

"No Nanna, Meow is a very good baby. She won't – BAD MEOW! BAD MEOW!" Yells Madhu looking at Meow who had just fallen on the white paper that had so much of bright colours.

"Look what my baby just did! She looks like a clown!" Madhu tells sadly as she holds Meow in her arms. Meow, covered in blue and red paint, wagged her tail and barked happily.

"Good lord! Come! Let's wash her!" Madhav says rolling his eyes as he gets off the bed.

"Thank goodness you weren't painting using acrylic colours. The colour stains will go off since these are water colours." Madhav says turning on the tap. Madhu stands on her toes as he watches Madhav rub the colours off Meow's golden coat.

"Kanamma get me Meow's bath sponge!" He says as he applies Meow's Dog Shampoo on the golden fur coat. Madhu watched as Madhav lathered and rinsed Meow.

"No! Don't! You're drenching me!" Madhav exclaims as Meow shakes off the water from her body. Madhu laughs at him. "Get me some toilet paper!"

"No paper here Nanna!" She says shrugging.

"What's that then?" He asks pointing to the roll of toilet paper near the toilet seat.

"Nanna that's called poo poo paper!" Madhu says laughing.

"Ah yes, that's how you and your Mumma call it. How did I forget?" Madhav says. "Poo Poo Paper! Like seriously? I'm okay if she calls it something else but who put Poo Poo Paper into her head? Madhu what's taking you-"

Madhu was standing near the dustbin. "Nanna there's some plasticicity in the bin!"

"Plastic?" He asks and comes near her. He tears a bit of toilet paper and using it picks the plastic stick out of the bin. "This is a pregnancy test and holy f- this is positive!"

"Wow! What does that mean!" Madhu asks.

"That means your mother is pregnant." Madhav says smiling. He lets out a loud happy laugh. "Madhu, your mother is pregnant! She's going to have another baby! You are going to be a big sister!"

"Really?" Madhu asks. She pulls Madhav's t-shirt.

"Does that mean I will have a little someone to play with? Like Anu aunty's son has all those people to play with?"

"Yes!" Madhav says and looks the pregnancy test he was holding. "But why didn't Shree tell me yet?"

* * * * *

Next morning Madhav wakes up at 6 30 AM and finds Shree's side of the bed need and tidy. Madhu was sleeping on the middle of the bed, with her arm on Madhav's face. He slowly gets off the bed and finds Shree standing in front of the mirror. She was wearing a pink sari with a green border.

"Good morning." He whispers as he wraps his arms around her waist.

"Good morning." She says. "Aren't you getting ready? We're planning to be at the registrar's office by 9 AM."

"There's time, chellam." He says as he suppresses a yawn. "Didn't you sleep last night?"

"No, I was busy helping Devi pick her sari and the jewelry and other things. It was 3 in the morning when we were done."

"You didn't sleep at all?" Madhav asks.

"I slept in the living room for a few hours before going to shower at 5 30." Shree says.

"Chellam, aren't you supposed to tell me something?" He asks resting his head on her shoulder.

"Besides I love you?" She asks looking at him.

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