75 | The One With the Library

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Madhav runs into his house. The house, eventhough he has lived in it all his life - looked new. He smiled and kicked off his shoes.

"Bhai'saab!" He hears a voice. Madhav quickly turns and finds Shyaam and Devi rush down the stairs. "OMG it is you!!"

Shyaam was wearing his favourite blue shorts and a white teeshirt. His hair was messy and disarray like a bird's nest - he probably was asleep. Devi was wearing the nightgown she brought at the maternity boutique in Bandra.

"Shyaam! Devi!" Madhav exclaims as Shyaam comes running and dives into Madhav's open arms.

"Thank god you fucking returned!" Shyaam exclaims hugging Madhav tighter.

Madhav smiles and gently pats Shyaam's back.

Shyaam looks up at him. "Don't leave us again like that! Or I'll fucking hate you."

Madhav laughs. "I'm not going anywhere, Shyaam. I'm not leaving the house, our parents, you or my adorable sister in law-

Madhav let's go of Shyaam and embraces Devi - who was on the verge of tears.

"We thought we lost you forever, bhaava." She cried in his arms. "Thank thank God you came back to us! You are never getting on a plane ever again if you plan on raising your babies and your nephew."

"Nephew?" He asks looking at Devi.

Devi nods. "Shyaam and I had a baby boy - Vasudev Ramakrishna. You know - you know - he's so tiny and adorable. Come on upstairs, I want you to see him!"

"Devi - Devi! I would love to see him and hold him in my arms; but I really really want to see Shree right now."

Devi smiles. "Silly me. You must be so eager and aching to see akka. She's probably in Rukmini Mumma's library."

"Thanks Devi." Madhav says racing up the steps. He stops midway and looks down at them. "And - and I'll try to be back soon so you can show me to Vasu - or maybe in the morning I guess?"

"Morning will be perfect." Devi says.

* * * * *

Shree sighs as she finished reading the hard bound volume of Wuthering Heights. She was snuggled on the vintage Victorian setee in Rukmini's library, basked in the soft orange glow from the chandelier. She was wearing a light pink chemise-night gown with a soft cotton and lace trimming. 

Groaning, she gets up with a lot of difficulty. Shree hums to herself as she walks towards the big rack of fiction novels to keep the book in it's place. It was 1 AM - and she was ready to drown herself in the sequel of Wuthering Heights.

As Shree pulls out the book she notices the door open.

Shree gasps taken aback as she sees Madhav standing across the room. He was wearing a black shirt with ironed and tailored pants.

"Madhav!" She whispers to herself and smiles. She comes running across the room, a firm hand across her baby bump. Shree wipes her moist eyes and she tries to hold his hand, but her fingers go through his form.

"My mind is playing games with me." She realizes shaking her head. She walks away and sits on the setee, wiping her tears. "You aren't real!"

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