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Dara went to the counter and placed the empty coffee mugs while Jiyong looked at the cafes wall of cool. It had a lot of new couple pix and familiar pictures, but something got his attention, THEIR pictures were there. Flash backs of their better days started to flood his mind.She kept all of them. He thought. Giving him the feeling that gave him hope -- that everything will go back to normal, well at least near normal.

"You posted the hotdog picture!" he declared.

Dara smiled, "Tabi placed it there."

"You should know, I asked you a million times to post it." he said without thinking.

"it's just that I have finally come to terms with that photo."

"when was this?" he asked pointing at a photo of Dara wearing a cheerleader outfit.

"I think that was Boms Halloween party. It was fun. You should've been there." she said with her voice changing its tone. "a whole lot of memory is on this wall. good, bad and ugly" she said as she pointed a picture of Jiyong sleeping with his mouth opened.

He laughed as he brushed his hair up, "how I wish I could bring it all back though."

"that face?" she looked at him with a grin, "I don't think so." she joked.

"NO. This!" he declared. "we don't talk anymore."

"what do you call this?" she joked.

"you know what I mean D."

Dara shyly looked at him, "but things happened along the way that made us who we are right now."

"sad, alone and lonely?" he asked

"some things don't turn out the way we plan it."

In his mind he had it all planned out but having her in front of him changed everything. In the past years away from her, he realized that telling her the truth would only tell him two things... First, she loved him only for her to fall in love with someone else. Second, she never felt anything for him -- both would only break his heart. But he had to risk it all. "You look happier now..."

"but before all this I was broken. I thought I couldn't live without you but thanks to Tabi I live long enough to take us back here."

"d, I'm really sorry. I was too scared to admit the truth about how I feel because I was scared of losing our friendship-- only to lose it in the end"

Dara's eyes started to tear up, "all I ever wanted was for you to see me as I saw you."

Jiyong brought Dara closer into a tight embrace, "d, I love you-- I always did and I was stupid to keep it for this long." he whispered into her ears.

Top stood there watching Dara cry in Jiyong's embrace, he slowly turned around. when suddenly a warm hand interlocked with his...

"where do you think you are going?" Dara asked with a sweet smile on her face. "I know what you did! Don't ever do that again."

Dara leaned on Tops shoulders as they walked towards the car. "thank you!" rain then started to fall making them run into the car.

Dara looked at Top and said to herself, i know this is for the better.

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