Chapter 7

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[Bella] :           

                            Once I was out of the door I spotted my car parked beside Harry's car as I assume. This kid is so rich and cocky. I walked to it fast trying to ignore the painful wound on my leg in attempt to get to it faster. Thankfully he did not follow afterwards.

                            I got on my car at the edge of breaking down, due to two things. Two painful things. Harry and my leg. My tears could not help but fall down my cheeks. My lips tumbled and I could not stop.

                            Panic attacks are the worst and everytime people push me I have one and it was not pleasing to see. My heart was beating so fast and my breath hitched. I started shaking slightly as I start my car.

                            “Fuck it. Go go!” I was so done with everything as I drive with my car out of the parking lot. I just hope I would not get in an accident.

                            I drove slowly in the dark streets. Quietness of the streets caused me to shiver. And the only voice heard at this late hour is my sobbing sound. My vision was so blurry and I tried to see infront me by narrowing my watered eyes.

                            My phone rang and I looked at the caller name. It was Zayn. Why would he call this late ? I groaned wiping away my tears that kept falling. My voice was absolutely hoarse due to crying. I decided on not answering, I can not even hear his voice at the moment. I am so ashamed to talk to him.


                            I turned my phone off to not recieve any messages or calls from anyone. I did not want Zayn to worry about me. Especially when I cheated on him with my cousin just in the second day.

                            “Please leave me! I will give you whatever you want. . . Please!” I heard a female voice beseeching. I stopped the car that was barely moving to wander my eyes on the empty streets. I saw nothing so i tried spotting with my hearing.

                            “I want you darling.” A devilish manly voice said and I gasped. I have to rescue the girl. Getting out of the car as I am still hearing the soft sobs that left the girl's mouth.

                            “Please. Please do not do that, I am virgin please. . .” The voice started to get closer as I walk further and my heart shattered for the little girl who is getting raped. I have always got disgusted by people who rapes whatever the reason was. Especially young girls.

                            “Help- Hel —”

                                 “Shut your mouth bitch! Let me finish what I started.” I spotted him ripping her top off and I widened my eyes. He was not far away from me but he did not notice my presence. I fisted my hands till my knuckles turned white from angriness. This boy is dead.

                            Using my vampire speed and in one second I teared him off of the girl and pushed him into the ground. The crying girl released a shaky breath as she shook with frightfulness.

                            “Run! Run and do not look back!” I tapped her shoulder as I hear the man groaning and starting to stand up. The girl absentmindedly ran away as I watched her going further down.

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