chapter 32

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[Bella] :              


                        “So, you have this assignment that everyone is demandant to writ—” Prof Chloe said with her high pitched voice that annoyed the hell out of me before a curly haired girl boycotted her with a higher voice.

                        “What is it about Miss Chloe ?” Cleverness laced into her voice which made me bother to turn my head in slow motion to look at the girl attentively. But instead of looking at the girl who her voice was soon faded away my eyes caught Harry's eyes. He was looking into me intensely with the pen between his teeth.

                            Everyone' voice abruptly died down as my eyes focused on the red sensual lips of his. My lips uncontrollably parted and my ears pounded slowl—

                        “Miss Styles, are with us—”

                     “Fuck me- Oh my god — I am so sorry Miss Chloe —I - I did not; ” The sudden voice of hers made me jump in fright. The words slipped out of my tongue by mistake. Miss Chloe raised her eyebrows as I apologized non-stop. Everyone else was laughing hysterically including Harry who his face turned into red color from laughing.

                        “I will not forget about this. May we have a word after the end of the class ?” She talked calmly after everyone shut up. I embarrassingly nodded my head down, keeping my gaze on my books that were placed infront of me. I bit the outset of my lip sweetly in pure shame.

                       The class went quicker than usual as like because I have to talk with Miss Chloe. My science teacher. She was understanding, she cared for me and I liked her alot. The style she uses with student is strict yet soft and loving. She always encoureged us with good and convenient words to be assiduous and diligent. But after all this good description of her, there's always the point of negativity in every person. None is actually fully perfect neither Miss Chloe is.

                                   away from all this, my mind was occupied with the heavy gaze of harry's. I could not ignore the feeling of being watched. Even though I did not turn my head to check if it is true or not I knew I was hundred percent right. I never belie.

                        “Everyone is off to go.”

                             Everyone started to gather their belongings, as the room started to slowly empty. Miss Chloe was organising some papers on her desk. I sighed, starting to assemble my stuff to walk to her.

                        “Good luck, pretty.” Someone who is pretty familiar whispered in my ear from behind when I stood up. A small smile crept to my face against my will as I look at him. He smirked down at me. “The new haircut is still pretty unfamiliar.” I stated trying to break the tension that was built between us in few seconds.

                        He shrugged backing off abit. I trustfully saw disappointment take over his features for some reason. Was he planning on kissing me ? I shrugged the thoughts away and decided to clean off the awkwardness that is already growing a pair.

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