Chapter 50

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[B E L L A] :

Chapter 50

             “You have only ten minutes, do not touch any machine or equipment you might cause death.” The nurse instructed as I followed behind her with Anne. I nodded absentmindedly looking forward seeing Harry.

        “Do you want me to stay with you?” Anne questioned. It might be rude to tell her that I require staying alone but I will.

              “I want this ten minutes alone…If you do not mind.” My voice lowered, praying for god that she would get the hint. As expected she nodded, leaving me alone with a still man.

            As soon as I heard the room’s door shut I let a sigh of comfortableness, my eyes unintentionally shifted to land on the expected boy. I smiled.

         Maybe if you were on my stance you would cry, but I just smiled. My heart warming with imaginary butterflies, and my eyes filling with happiness. “Hey…”

              I took a chair and sat at it, immediately searching for his freezing hand to capture it in mine, sending shivers down my spine.

          “When are you going to wake up?” I asked, whispering. Afraid I might hurt him even more than he is now. “Your mother, me and your sister is waiting for you…”

          I stared a bit at him, fond with his closed eyes, his nose shape and his unmoving lips. I debated myself whether I should kiss him or not when he wakes up, the idea itself was so crazy, since I decided, affirmed to myself that I won’t try and make any affectionate moves towards him but I really, really wanted to kiss him.

         My eyes moved across his face, noticing few freckles that ornamented his mesmerizing face, then again my eyes made a stop at his lips. I also beheld the breathing machine was no longer there and that what made his mouth more tempting for me now.

              “Calm down… Calm down.” I muttered to myself, glancing at the roof of the room for seconds before letting out a sigh of desperation.

                 “Just a little peck…” I assured myself as I reach forward and leant on his direction, even though he was unconscious for what I was going to do I felt the tension of close distance starting to play with my feelings.

           I harmlessly kissed his lips, ever so slightly with entreaty filling my language. My eyes filled with tears as I pull my lips away, still on the same distance, so close, so tempting.

            “If I had the power to stop this I would…” I muttered for him as a single tears rolled down and landed on his lips that I kissed again with the salty taste of my tears shared between us. A powerful strength sparkled within me, flying me to my highest suddenly.

         “Uh—” I pulled away with pure shock, I saw him blinking twice trying to get used to the lights, reminding me of the memory when I felt like I was shoved into a black hole of nowhere.

              “H-Har—Harry.” As if my tongue got bent over I could not speak normally or even ask for a nurse to come in and check for him, I just stood aimlessly staring at him as he groaned, feeling his senses again.

         “You promised to help him, Bella” I heard the unfamiliar sound of my thoughts tell me with a sherik.

              Help him, give him blood, do not waste time, he will heal in a matter of few minutes…

            Then I was alarmed, I broke out of my stance searching for anything sharp to cut my hand, I opened the drawers, searched in closet, but found nothing. I was scared that nurse may come in so I cut it by my own fangs, letting the blood flow out of my veins almost staining me.

           He was still unaware of my presence, but I was aware that I should help him, so I just pushed my wounded forearm into his mouth, alerting him.

           “Drink!” I hissed, encouraging him to drink as he looked at me with the same shocked eyes. “Please drink…” I begged him, pressing on him before he gave up, gulping down blood.

                “This is magic!” Anne said with a happy grin on her face. It is four hours after I have visited him, he completely healed, he was sleeping now due to exhaustion and tiredness.

          My parents of course knew what I did as they glared daggers at me, but they mentioned nothing. “He just healed suddenly, the doctors don’t even know how that happened.” She shook her head, still smiling.

          She pulled out her mobile as she waved it for me. “I will be telling Gemma! We will have the wedding on monday.”

            With that she left, leaving me and my annoyed parents together, I shifted on my seat awkwardly. “You helped right?”

     “Helped what?” Dumb! Why did I have to play dumb on them? I knew they knew so why would I give them the stupid facade?

                 “Here we go with Mrs-I-deny-obvious-shit, drop the act!” My mother rolled her eyes, they were tough. My family was an old fashioned one, they put their benefits before anyone, no matter who is that person is.

            “I did it.” I admitted. “I told you David! She is striving to reach her death!”

               “What’s the harm in helping?”I rolled my eyes at the two selfish parents of mine. “Harm? You do not worry that the doctors might get suspicious?”

         “Look, mum, dad I did this because I wanted to, I am not stupid or oblivious to this fact. But guess what? Doctors did not notice—” I grinned fakely before I gushed. “And he is fine!”

              “I am disappointed…” My father shook his head disapprovingly. “What? Why?”

               “I never want to say this for my only daughter, but I feel bad for Zayn! He is sick worried about you and you have not even noticed his disappearance.” He explained, letting a hint of guilt scintillated through me. I briefly closed my eyes, holding my forehead in my hand.

              “I am never getting a moment of happiness without you whining my head up about Zayn?” I asked, I felt totally despaired, my so-high-spirits sunk far down into the distance of the ocean.

                   “You think we are feeling fine seeing how you are doing this?”

        “For god’s sake it was just a work of help, why do you have to make a big deal about it?” I groaned annoyingly, my dad’s wrath was raising and I could feel the heat of his body radiating rays of anger.

                “Where is your mind Bella? You forgot it back on London?” My dad yelled, causing me to go into a panicked state. “Lower you voice!”

            “You do not tell me what to do—Merde!” He cursed in french, which means he reached a high level of rage.

                 “David calm down.” My mother rushed to calm him down by tapping and rubbing his shoulder. He took a deep breath, re-steadying his rage.

                 “Why the hell you keep on doing this to me? I can love whoever the fuck I want!” I screamed as I stand up from my seat. My dad glared at me daggers, but I was not scared of them or of what they'll do.


                  “Yes, I love him. Love, does this sound familiar to you both?—” I pointed at them with accusing fingers. “No! It doesn't, because you only look up your benefits, you pay no attention—You- you both just go away!”

               Tears started blurring my vision. “I do not even know why you both came here, I was happy away from you…”

             I stormed out the room, trying to get away from them as much as I can.

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