Ch. 23 - "Gifted."

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Even though he's been trying to get used to wearing a secondary prosthetic, it still doesn't get rid of the feeling that you could still feel your entire arm when it's been recently lopped off.

According to the doctor, his only non-prosthetic arm couldn't be repaired due to the severity of the injury, so they had no choice but to amputate.

He should be distraught at the fact that he lost another limb, since that's what other people do when the same thing's happened to them. But how can he when he's gonna have to use another invention of his mom's in his everyday life?

Speaking of his mom, he had to give it to her, akin to his resentment towards her, her talent is beyond words can even describe. Not even Hatsume can create a prosthetic that looks hyper realistic, or a sword that doesn't have to use steel as a blade and can be a persons energy instead, said energy blade can absorb all types of energy and harm the opponent without physically injuring them.

And she's doing all of it without a Quirk, too.

Furthermore, because she's gifted, she gains sales pretty quick. But it would skyrocket if she really showed that she could make things above their imaginations.

Why would she hide it? If this goddamn insatiable greed really runs in their bloodline, surely she'd show off her talent to get more customers because in no time, she'd be making a name for herself for her creations.

She's smart enough to know this, yet, she forced him in the hero course with the sole intent to make more money off of her son.

It's either she's a straight up sadist, or what she drilled into him- about him making damn well sure that he's gonna be making good money as a hero- is a farce, which is highly unlikely.

Especially now that he knows her reasoning for beating him, and that is because he bore the appearance of the man who disowned her.

'Son of a fuck. If I'd known our family history was gonna be this mind-boggling, I would have called a pro to rescue the kids instead. I shouldn't have let curiosity get the best of me.'

People say that once you learn the reason behind your abusers actions, it'll change your perspective towards them and understand, the first and biggest step that not many can encounter towards forgiving your abuser.

He was in disbelief. Yes, he understood now, but it didn't change one goddamn thing.

It didn't change what she did to him. It didn't change what she did to mama. It didn't change his friends death.

She couldn't even tell him herself why she was acting the way she was. How is he supposed to forgive someone like that?

He inhaled deeply. 'Calm down. Mama wouldn't want you like this, angry at her wife.'

'She'll understand why you lashed out.' An unwelcome thought said.

He shook that thought away and darted his eyes to the clock hung up on the wall.

It was Monday. 1pm in the afternoon.

Somehow, that felt familiar...

Shit. His date with Shoto-

...oh, right. Shoto cancelled it the day before he went on an underwater adventure because Izuku wasn't the only one Iida told him about.

He sighed, resting his head on the palm of his hand as he turned to the side, seeing letters stacked and stacked upon eachother until they fell off his coffee table, the ones on the edge hung on for dear life.

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