Ch. 24 - "News."

616 28 19

"Rise and shine, kiddo."

A deep voice spoke from the darkness.

Where was he?

He blinked rapidly, scanning the area he was in, immediately recognizing the area he was in to be his home.

He looked down on his body, noticing that the rest he was made of was dark mist, leaving out only his head and right hand.

When he looked up, he widened his eyes in horror at the sight that beheld him.

There stood his grandfather, more specifically, a younger version of him, laying down helplessly with blood dripping down the deep lacerations on his back, which were added to the old wounds that had just began to scab.

Turning to look behind him, he saw the mans parents, weapons in hand as they loomed over him with wide grins.

(Y/n) immediately turned away when one of their hands rose, covering his ears to avoid hearing of the very same abuse he experienced himself.

"Us (L/n)s are hexed with misfortune. That's what causes every single one of us to share the same fate. So if you think your little brothers are safe, they aren't."

A voice slipped through his hands. Albeit scared, he mustered up the courage to open his eyes and saw his grandfather back on his feet. But this time, he wasn't a child anymore.

He bore the same face as him, only this time, he was a little older- he could guess that was what he'd look like if he was in his early twenties.

The man towered over him with a serene, out of place smile. Extending his hand in what seems to be a request for a handshake.

He gave his hand a look. "What for?"

For a split moment, he saw his smile widen and eyes crinkle before he forcefully grabbed the youngers hand.

An overwhelming sense of dizziness washed over him, urging him to vomit, before he suddenly landed.

He opened his eyes without even realizing he closed them and was greeted with the sight of his relations lined beside him, side by side.

It wasn't just him who wore fancy equipment in the family, they too had their personal gadgets. But their intentions were the exact opposite as his.

They were for villain work.

"It's still not too late to continue our family legacy, little (Y/n). There's no shame in being a villain."

"Bullshit!" He slapped his hand away, expecting a displeased reaction from the older.

But there was none.

He received a reaction, yes, but it was the complete opposite of the one he predicted.

The older man smiled and retracted his hand. "Go on."

"G-Go on?" (Y/n) echoed, an uncomfortable chill running up the length of his spine.

"I'd like to hear what you have to say."

The hairs at the back of his neck stood up and every cell in his body screamed to run, just from this mans nonchalantness and unbothered attitude towards his protest.

"What the fuck...?"

The man hummed. "Yes?"

He gulped, before he began talking. "From what I've heard, the reason why our bloodline is turning into heroes is because we're constantly troubled with neverending torture, but that's not true. Noone was saved until now, I saved my brothers, I'm becoming a pro hero, I'm-"

CHEKKUMEITO | MY HERO ACADEMIANơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ