༅ 14. A Burden Worth Carrying

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Life in the Underground, Part 8: A Burden Worth Carrying

Year 844

It had been approximately seven minutes.

Seven minutes of blaring silence that bristled with suspense over the dining room of the hideout. The sounds of the hushed bubbling of the heating water in the kettle, and the occasional weak chirps from a bandaged bird resting in its own makeshift bed drowned out the agitated heartbeats of the three people slumped over the table.

Seven minutes had passed as Furlan and Vanya intensely stared with sheer anticipation at Isabel, whose face was already trickling with beads of her own sweat. The more seconds elapsed, the closer the two adults leaned over the small teenager. They anxiously waited for the young girl's next move like the whole scenario was a grand matter of life and death.

Tap... tap... tap...

"Come on, Isabel. You can do it," Furlan implored while shakily tightening his grip on the edge of the table.

"I know! Just... just shut up for a second and let me think," Isabel sneered through her gritted teeth. It was clear all over her face how immensely frustrated she was as she glared at the great obstacle that stood mockingly before her.

"Remember, dear, you can always use your hands," Vanya's voice was prodding yet tender and encouraging as she laid a hand on Isabel's back.

The girl nodded doubtfully before bringing up both of her hands in front of her face. Isabel gave one tough look at her fingers before she shut her eyes and crunched up her face in full concentration. Her lips moved through her breath and for every inaudible word she whispered, she'd bring down one finger until all her hands were fully closed, only to open her hands again, whisper tiny words, bring down a finger, and the process repeated.

"Any longer now..." Furlan muttered impatiently.

Vanya lightly hit her friend on the shoulder beratingly. "Give her time, Furlan. She's getting there."

"10... 11... 12... 13... 14," Isabel stopped her counting and opened her eyes in astonishment.

"Good!" The older girl grinned. "Now what do you do with the 14?"

"You dissect it?"

"That's right, so what's next?"

"Ummm..." Isabel stammered while scratching your head before the answer gradually came to her. "Bring down the 'four' while the 'one' will be carried over."

"Yes! Now you can finally finish solving the problem," Vanya gave her one final encouragement as she watched Isabel scribbling down the last numbers on the paper.

"So it's...2450 -- no, it's 2460. Is that right? 1876 plus 584 equals 2460?"

The proud grin on Vanya's face never faltered as she chuckled merrily, and brushed through Isabel's spiky hair with her fingers. "Well done, Isabel!"

The girl, who unfortunately grew up as an orphan in the streets and never had anyone to teach her basic addition, instantly lit up like the break of dawn before she enthusiastically turned to their blonde companion.

"You see that, Furlan? I told you I can do math!"

"Yeah, but way slower than an average person," Furlan grumbled, looking relieved after having to sit through almost ten agonizing minutes of watching Isabel strenuously solve a basic addition problem he could solve in less than a minute.

"Oh, give the girl a break," Vanya chided the man. "What matters is that she's improving."

Next thing she knew, she felt a weight digging onto her accompanied by a choking sensation when Isabel attacked her with a vigorous embrace. The younger one pressed her own cheek against Vanya's, squishing their faces together and making her yelp at the surprise contact.

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