༅ 6. The Same Grave Fate

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The Same Grave Fate

tw// mentions of death

Year 850: The Day of the Battle Of Trost

It had been a busy morning as usual in Trost that day. The kind of busy that felt like the day would go on its mundane and slow course. Vanya thought it was going to be just another day of working tirelessly in her clinic

Though it was only morning, a lot had already happened. At the crack of dawn, Levi left for his expedition. But before he had set foot, he didn't forget to leave a quick kiss on her forehead -- though it may not have been quick because she could hazily remember how his lips lingered for a bit longer. She could consciously remember how she felt his lips brush her ear and whisper brisk but bittersweet words, "I'll be home soon."

She was still asleep at that time but she heard it all. She remembered herself mumbling gibberish words, and she could have sworn she heard her husband chuckle and say, "Brat."

And then, he was gone by the time she was fully awake.

She had grown to get used to the feeling of waking up and seeing the empty space beside her. Back then, she would wake up, stare into his absence beside her, and she would start crying. During the early days of Levi's time as a Scout, the Scout Regiment wasn't as fortified as they were now. About 100 soldiers would leave the walls with chins proudly held high but only 30 soldiers would return with their heads sunk in shame.

And every time he was away, Vanya would incessantly pray to her stars that he wouldn't be part of the 30.

Thus, it took 5 years into their marriage for Vanya to get used to it. It was a test of trust after all. She learned that if she wanted their marriage to remain strong, she needed to learn to trust that her husband will stay alive and come back home.

It had been a busy morning as usual in Trost that day. The kind of busy that felt like the day would go on its mundane and slow course. Vanya thought it was going to be just another day of working tirelessly in her clinic

That morning, the 104th batch of the Training Corps had finally graduated. The doctor was beyond elated when she saw the short blonde cadet named Armin visit her clinic to break the news. The boy had been one of her instant favorites when she facilitated her medical workshops. He was bright, sharp, and evidently interested in what she was teaching unlike some of his other fellow cadets who usually dozed off. Clearly most of them weren't as keen in learning how to patch up wounds as compared to learning how to spar with their fellow soldiers in the training grounds.

Armin had arrived that morning at her workplace along with his two best friends, the quiet and reserved Mikasa, and the tenacious son of another renowned doctor, Eren.

"That's wonderful news! I'm so proud of you all," She had said cheerfully at that time, seeing them now transitioning from cadets to recruits. "Now, what brings you to Trost?"

"We were designated to install the cannon on the walls," Eren responded politely.

"Ahh yes," She shrewdly studied Eren, whose father she knew years ago during her medical training. She thought of asking the boy about his father in their future interactions. "I heard they made some fancy developments for those cannons."

"Yeah! For sure, the Titans won't stand a chance now." Armin vivaciously held out his fist.

The doctor giggled at the blonde's high spirit. "Well, I think those nasty Titans won't be breaching us any time soon."

It was supposed to be a light-hearted comment but Eren didn't look so pleased.

"With all due respect, Doctor, I do think we still need to remain vigilant."

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