18. Fake it until you make it

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Two days had now passed since the questionable evening with George and Alicia happened and ever since then Eleanor hadn't been able to get rid of them.
Of course, as her business had just started out, She was overly busy working late hours in her shop but at any chance she got to go out and spend time with Fred, Alicia and George somehow were always there to ruin it.

For example, the night after the gathering, Eleanor and Fred went out to get some ice cream from Florean Fortescues and 5 minutes after Alicia and George showed up hand in hand, sitting at the table opposite them.
Not to mention the next day where Fred had went to bring some breakfast for Eleanor and got stopped on his way by Alicia.
It was getting out of hand.

At least today, Eleanor had not yet seen them and she planned on keeping it that way.
She busied herself with tasks in her shop, setting out a new delivery that had just come in onto her shelves whilst serving a varied amount of customers on the side.
She was glad to have her business, giving her something to do and now that the income was coming in, life couldn't be better.

Just as she was about to cash up for the evening, Fred came waltzing in with a large bunch of flowers in hand and a coffee in the other.

"Have I come in at a bad time?" Fred questioned as he came to stand in front of the reception area

Eleanor looked up to meet Fred's eyes and beamed at him as she took notice to the flowers in hand. Her Heart rate suddenly racing.
She didn't want to assume that he bought her flowers but of course it's the first thought that comes to mind.

"It's not a bad time at all" Eleanor replied, tucking her hair behind her ear nervously "is everything alright?"

Fred sighed deeply as he looked down to the flowers before pushing them towards Eleanor.

"I bought these for you"

Eleanors heart fluttered profusely inside her chest as she met Fred's eyes in awe.
Had he really bought me flowers? She thought.

"Fred-" Eleanor gasped as she took the flowers into her hand, admiring them lovingly "they're beautiful!"

"Oh- I also bought you a coffee. I didn't know what else to add to it as I felt they needed something else so I just got you your favourite cup" Fred chuckled as he placed it down onto the reception. "I hope it's okay."

Fred had bought Eleanor a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers and roses. The bright and dark contrasted colours combined with each other perfectly as their leaves intertwined onto the golden brown paper that wrapped around it.

"I don't know what to say" Eleanor sighed "I wasn't expecting this! Thank-you so much Freddie."

"Well, I know you have been having a stressful week so I thought I'd try to do something that would cheer you up." Fred smiled at her as she made her way around the reception to hug him.

" you've definitely cheered me up" she giggled "what made you pick sunflowers and roses?"

"Funny story actually" Fred began to say as he wrapped his arm around Eleanor "I said to the lady in there that your favourite flowers were roses and I didn't want to be cliché and just get a boring bouquet that everyone gets, so I asked her what she thought would compliment them best."

"Go on" Eleanor chuckled as she listened to him contently.

"Well, she said that I ought to get some sun flowers because my hair reminded her of them." Fred laughed, shaking his head "so that's exactly what I did."

Eleanor laughed with him as he explained his little story. It was actually so sweet that he had thought of something like this. And the fact that there was a flower to represent each of them was even sweeter.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now