42. Her...

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After what was a long but yet excitable week. Things couldn't seem to get any better for Fred and Eleanor. Without fail every day after work they would stay at each other's place, go out to eat and mostly spend every minute of their spare time together, not to mention how Fred would bring Eleanor lunch everyday during her breaks. Nothing had changed from their usual routine and if anything it just continued to get better and better.

They had decided that this weekend, they would have the gang over to have a few drinks as they normally would, catch up on things and get some food.
This time Eleanor's sister was also invited as she felt it was only right to get her as much as she could involved before she headed back off to discover more magical creatures.

As usual, Eleanor finished work, waved goodbye to Olivia and Julia and made her way upstairs to her apartment.
It was dark and quiet as she usually left it and with a quick wave of her wand all the lights around her came flooding on, not to mention the fireplace that came roaring up into flames.

The apartment was fairly tidy and not to much that the group couldn't deal with, so Eleanor made her way into the bedroom and got herself changed into something a little more comfy and casual.
It wouldn't be long until Fred came in so she decided to write down a large order of food and give it to his owl that as usual sat outside the window.
There was going to be a few more mouths to feed this time as her sister was showing up and as far as she was aware, she was bringing somebody with her.
Amber had always had good taste for people, she never once put someone down, to her everyone was an option.

Eleanor sat herself down on the sofa in front of the fire as she waited for Fred to come home but before he did, Most of the group decided to show up first.

First arriving was Hermione and Ron and shortly followed was Amber and a girl she immediately recognised from the wedding..

"El, This is Avery." Amber said excitedly, wrapping her arm around the girls waist "I'm sorry I didn't introduce you at the wedding last week"

Eleanor shook the girls hand gladly, nodding her head along approvingly at the firm hand shake. she seemed incredibly nice and somewhat made her sister very happy so that was good enough for Eleanor.

They all dotted themselves around the living room, beginning to start in small conversation when Fred finally walked through the door and Ginny and Harry appeared by fireplace.

"Hello beautiful" Fred said softly as he leant down behind Eleanor to kiss on the cheek.
The same way he would usually greet her every-time he came in from work.

She kissed him back gently before he made his way into the bedroom to get changed and she turned around to engage into conversation with the others.

"Come on then!" Ginny squealed "let's see the ring Fred got you."

All the girls immediately sprung forward towards Eleanor, grabbing her hand to inspect the small piece of jewellery closer.
Even the boys took a quick glance before shortly looking away, making it seem like they weren't interested when they clearly were.

"I love it!" Hermione gasped, admiring it closely "it's so thoughtful, the fact he thought of something like that."

"I agree, it's gorgoues El" Amber joined in, her beaming smile shining across the room.

It seemed that everyone was more than happy when Fred came back into the room and saw the group gathered around Eleanor, he smiled to himself sweetly as he sat down next to her, bringing her to lean into his chest.

"Seems like you did a good job there Freddie" Amber smiled, raising her eyebrows at him "my sister is very lucky to have you!"

Eleanor scrunched her nose stupidly,pulling a face at her sister as they all sat there and laughed.
It wasn't often that they had free moments like these, so they of course made the most of it.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now