56. To be a Weasley

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For what seemed like forever, Eleanor stood there frozen, looking down at the ring that Fred held outwardly towards her. As much as she wanted to scream out a thousand Yes's in the world, her mouth simply wouldn't let her.

"so, is that a yes?" Fred trembled, a small smirk appearing onto his face nervously.

and all Eleanor could do was lunge herself into his arms and tighten herself around him, nodding her head excitedly as she went.

"of course I will marry you Freddie" she finally managed to murmur into his ear, her words slightly stuttered "in as many ways as there are to say yes"

He wrapped his arms around her waist tightly as they both sat cuddled upon their knees in the snowy ibis of the mountains, taking their time to indulge in this pure and beautiful moment.

"I guess I should probably put this ring on your finger" Fred chuckled as he took his arms away from Eleanor's waist and helped her get to her feet.

By this point, happy tears were filling up in both of their eyes as they looked at one another with such joy. It was as if they had been waiting for this moment but it only took them till now to realize just how much. - Carefully and slowly, Fred removed the ring from out of the box and took it within his fingers as he brought up Eleanors other hand into his.

For a quick second, they locked eyes and smiled at one another before looking back down to where Fred was sliding the ring onto Eleanor's finger. - Of course, as soon as it was on she lifted up her hand to get a closer look at it, admiring it as the last bit of sun glistened upon it.

"This is so beautiful Fred!" Eleanor sighed as she wiped her wet cheeks dry, looking up at him with adoring eyes "do the others know?"

"They knew I was going to ask but that is all" Fred chuckled as he pulled Eleanor into him again "but that reminds me, that's only the first part of your surprise, cmon!"

leaning down and grabbing Eleanor's hand, Fred practically pulled her the whole way back up to where the Ski lift was, making their way back down to the ground once again. What could he of possibly planned now? Eleanor thought, as she giggled the whole back to the lodge, if he was anything, then he was definitely eager. what could be so important that was waiting back at the lodge?

Soon enough, after being dragged the majority of the way, there Eleanor stood at the foot of the lodge. All the lights were off and if anything it looked as if everyone had gone to bed.

"Fred, what's going on?" Eleanor asked suspiciously as she eyed the windows, trying her best to see if there were any signs of what Fred's supposed surprise was but he simply didn't reply. - instead, he took the key out to unlock the front door and led Eleanor inside. Everything around her was in complete darkness and a never-ending haunting silence.

"Fred?" Eleanor questioned as she felt him take off her coat, hanging it up on the rack that she knew was just to the side of her, but yet again he didn't answer. Taking Eleanor by the hand, he led her around the corner into where she knew the living room was and that's when she could hear the soft murmur of people breathing. Inside of her chest, her heart began to race, although she knew it was a surprise, she couldn't help but have her fight or flight-ready to kick-off.

But just as the overwhelming thoughts began to race into her mind, the sudden flicker of lights burst around the room, and in front of her stood a swarm of her friends.

"surprise!" They all yelled as they watched Eleanor pretty much jump out of her skin before realizing that was just in fact all the people she knew.

"oh my god!" Eleanor exclaimed as she clapped her hands over her mouth, looking over to Fred with widened eyes. - He stood next to his brother George with his arm wrapped over his shoulder, smiling at her smugly. He knew that he had definitely pulled this one out of the bag, it was written all over his face.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now