43. The unfolding

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Warning: This chapter contains scenes that some readers made find uncomfortable (e.g sex scenes) - read at own discretion

After a while of suspecting George was sneaking off with someone, they would of never of expected it to be Julia.
She was an extremely shy and timid girl, not usually the type George would go for in Eleanor's opinion but this time she seemed different.

Her confidence was overpowering her as she flipped her beautiful silk like hair over one shoulder and beamed a bright white smile at the twins.
Even her laugh was a like a beautiful melody ringing in all their ears.
It definitely was an extreme change from what Eleanor had seen of her personality last week, for some reason she could barely even talk but now seemed to want all the attention.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't tell you sooner" Julia beamed, bringing Eleanor into a tight embrace "I didn't want you to think bad of me considering I've only just started working for you."

Eleanor believed that this must of been the first time that she properly heard Julia's voice. It was sweet and sultry, nothing compared to her sister Olivias who was cheerful and bright. It was a massive difference and almost shocking to see such a sudden change to her attitude toward .

"You don't need to apologise Julia." Eleanor giggled, gently letting go of her "This is actually great, I don't know why you wanted to hide it from us"

George smirked coyly to himself as he wrapped his arm around Julia's waist. He actually seemed incredibly happy for once.

"We just weren't sure what you were going to think, especially with her being your employee."

"I agree" Julia said, cutting in "but if it wasn't for George, I don't think i could of come out of my shell like this, he's really supported me recently and that's thanks to you dating his twin I guess."

Eleanor looked up admiringly at Fred who's eyes were seemingly fixed on Julia.
He had this weird flirtatious glint in his eye that Eleanor couldn't seem to shake off and as she looked back at Julia, she was batting her perfect eyelashes at him, showing her perfect smile.
- George also seemed weirdly besotted by her, staring down at her lips as if it was only the two of them in the room.

But as Fred put his arm around the small of her waist, Eleanor immediately felt reassured.
Deep down, she knew that he had always been the flirtatious type as that was just unfortunately apart of his personality, Eleanor had always been accepting of that, therefore seeing no problem.

"Well I'm just glad to see that you both are happy" Eleanor smiled, leaning in closer to Fred "on that note though, we should probably leave you to it."

They both knew that they had probably left the gang at the apartment for long enough and it was about time they headed back and continued with the party but something about Julia's behaviour was slightly captivating as they went to leave.

"I'll see you tomorrow at work then, Eleanor." Julia smirked, her enticing blue eyes piercing into hers "oh and see you around Freddie."

Her voice was like golden liquid that had been perfectly stewed to make any man fall to his knees. Everything about her was so angelic and even Eleanor was starting to feel slightly drawn towards her presence.

"Um, yeah see you around." Fred stuttered as he shuffled his way closer to the door uncomfortably.

Eleanor couldn't quite make out if Julia was in fact flirting with Fred or simply being friendly but judging by the way she eyed him up and down like a hungry lioness, she had most definitely assumed it was some sort of pretentious banter.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now