50. Desolation

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Warning: this chapter may be upsetting for some readers and contain some triggering content.
- read at your own discretion

( please don't come for me) - You need drama to make a good story.


Standing there with whatever resentment Eleanor still held for Theo, all came rushing back to her at once. It was a recollection of old but mixed feelings, anger, forgiveness and confusion.
With what had happened that day at the shop with him appearing completely out of nowhere which then led to having a brutal fight with Fred, Eleanor couldn't decide whether it was in her best interest to shut the door in his face or try her utmost to have a civilised conversation with him.

She knew deep down that Fred would be extremely uncomfortable and agitated with the fact that she had to spend the whole weekend around Theo but what could she do?
It was a little late to suddenly change course now.

"I don't think I can say the same back to you" Eleanor remarked as she walked away from the door, leaving it open so Theo could follow her in "I thought you were just a business review guy anyway, why are you here?"

Theo came in and closed the door behind them both, he had this mischievous look on his face, the one that you knew that you couldn't mess with.

"I think you're forgetting that I'm the one who wrote the review Miss Jones." Theo replied, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket "do you mind?"

Shaking her head, allowing Theo to continue with his bad habit, she watched him smoothly pull out a cigarette from within the pack, taking it into his mouth and lighting it.

"I'm pretty sure you're not aloud to smoke in here" Eleanor stated, crossing her arms in front of her.
But no matter what, Theo always seemed to have an answer for everything.

"What they don't know, won't hurt them" Theo replied deviously, eyeing Eleanor up and down "Anyway, enough about me, what are we going to do about you? I can tell you don't want me here."

Feeling slightly guilty that she had been caught out, Eleanor stood there for a moment and re-thought her options.
She knew that she would eventually have to tell Fred that she had in fact been with Theo which wasn't a problem, although she feared what the outcome of that might be, but on the other hand she didn't want to come across as a wimp by simply handing Theo back over to Kingsley. She had to gain some confidence out of somewhere and knowing how Theo had been with her in school, Eleanor remembered how to play him back at his own game. Without the aid of others, She was going to have to step it up.

"No, do you know what, I do want you here" Eleanor spoke up proudly, raising a brow at him "You've been assigned to me for the day so you best follow whatever I want closely."

Theo breathed out a large puff of smoke and chuckled to himself, seemingly liking this confident yet bitchier version of Eleanor.

"Alright Miss, whatever you say" he smirked, stubbing out his cigarette on the back of his metal lighter "best get you to this lunch then."

Smiling at him cockily, Eleanor strutted past him, brushing his shoulder confidently.
If acting completely out of the ordinary was how it was going to be for the rest of day, then so be it.


Making their way downstairs, Theo led her silently towards Kingsley, where they found him sat on his own in the corner of the tea room, reading a newspaper contently.

"Miss jones for your Sir." Theo said politely, pulling out the chair so Eleanor could sit down.

Raising her brow and shooting him a little smirk, Eleanor sat in the velvet cushioned seat and tucked herself in.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now