Cast List, Endnotes & Inspiration

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Hey, wow - hello!

Thanks a bunch for reading this story of loss and love and hope. I hope it found a place in your heart like it did mine when I was writing it.

Finding Abby was inspired by the heartbreaking events at the Pearl Jam concert at Roskilde in 2000. Nine beautiful souls lost their lives.

I couldn't imagine what devastating impact this tragic event would have had on friends and family of those lost so I wanted to explore that. The tragedy of losing your son or your friend or your lover at an event when only joy should come home with you. And the impact on the band. It's so heartbreaking.

Abby's retelling of the event at the Silent Moth concert was taken from excerpts from police reports of Roskilde, survivor memories and memories from other similar events. Ollie Glass also used some of the words members of Pearl Jam used in the years after the event.

I admit, sometimes I was so teary writing this I couldn't type. Abby's story is heartbreaking but also -- I want to believe -- full of potential for her future with Jenna.

I've created a cast list below which I wanted to share so you know where I was headed with these special characters!

And if you liked Finding Abby and are up for reading something more perky and uplifting set in the 1990s - try Girls Who Play Guitars! It's a rockin' tale of 90s love and musos and fun times and has way more Australian slang than this one!

Girls Who Play Guitars:

The band Silent Moth and Ollie Glass appear in this story too 😌😌

🔆Finding Abby Cast List🔆

Jenna: Akira Ament

Blonde, beachy and a little reserved.

Blonde, beachy and a little reserved

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Finn: Elija Hewson

Obvs he''d need to change his hair colour but he's got that wide-eyed, soft face Finn has and he just looks like a warm, straight out decent guy.

Abby: ♡Winona Ryder♡

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Abby: Winona Ryder

No one else but Winona Ryder (♡my heart♡) could be Abby. She's so delicate and beautiful which makes her so vulnerable. Abby in the 90s is so Winona of the 90s but 100% insecure.

 Abby in the 90s is so Winona of the 90s but 100% insecure

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Ben: An Eddie VedderChris Cornellmashup

A combo of Eddie's soft gentleness and Chris's epic rock star-i-ness.

A combo of Eddie's soft gentleness and Chris's epic rock star-i-ness

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Matty: A mashup of Kurt Cobain and Daniel Johns

A combo of Kurt on his good days and Daniel J just every day - check out the amount of hair, peoples. So much hair. So, so much hair in the 90s.

Minda: ♡Kavitha Anandasivam♡

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Minda: Kavitha Anandasivam

Kavitha is an India-Australian actress and her light is shining bright right now!

Kavitha is an India-Australian actress and her light is shining bright right now!

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Ollie Glass:Brant Bjork

This legend is an absolute rock star. Seriously. Eddie Vedder and Kurt and Chris aside, Brant Bjork epitomises rock at its finest hour.

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