Sounds of things going up pneumatic tubes are heard clanging, until it stops. Ruby Rose is heard breathing heavily, before gasping for breath. She is helped out of the tube by May Marigold and Penny Polendina. Weiss Schnee can be seen angrily pulling Nora Valkyrie by her ear.

Nora: Ow, ow, ow! C'mon that was a once in a lifetime experience!

Weiss lets Nora go. Nora's right ear turned red.

Nora: Ow.

Blake Belladonna can be heard stepping out of another tube, her hair messy from the unorthadox method of travel.

Blake: Good. Because I never wanna do that again.

The group starts moving.

May: Alright robo-girl, you're up. Which way?

Penny's eyes can be seen computing as her vision travels through the door in front of them. Her vision marks enemies with red and as her vision enters the room, a label on the top left says: Room 1501. A map can be seen on the bottom right, with text that says: Floor 3.

Penny: We'll cross the bridge, then go (as she says the direction, her hands point at that direction) left, straight, right, straight, left, up, up, right, straight, right, right, straight, left, left.

The group looks star-struck as they hear Penny explain.

Penny: (to May) And my name, is Penny.

Ruby: Heh!

Ruby crosses her arms, Weiss glances at her and May does it from across her shoulders.

May: Tch.

May puts her left hand up, before a whirring sound is heard as May uses her semblance to mask the group from being seen.

May and the group can be seen in an elevator - still masked with her semblance - and the elevator beeps a low tone, signaling they had passed a floor. Suddenly, a high tone beep is heard and the group gasps before slowly backing up.

The door opens and two soldiers walk inside the elevator, one male and one female.

Soldier: The general said not to patrol the streets anymore. It's probably because The Wolverine's out there. I heard that he has a friend with him. What's terrifying is that the two can't seem to he trackable.

Soldier2: Yeah, I heard that too. Did you hear about the soldiers who survived from going against him?

Soldier: No, what about them?

Soldier2: Bunch of them got PTSD from seeing metal knives, and they would freak out every time. They sometimes say that he's coming for them and things.

Soldier: Well, remind me not to go to the streets. I just don't wanna be here when he gets inside the base, it's for sure going to happen.

Soldier2: It's creepy though, he's been dormant and picking us off in the streets, he's just... waiting. Worse than if he'd attacked.

Soldier: Hey, don't say that! You'll jinx us.

Penny waved come here and the group circled the two soldiers to exit the elevator.

Soldier2: I just hope he doesn't-

As they exit the elevator Nora pushes ALL the elevator buttons. The soldier looks at the elevator button panel and looks forward before looking back at the button panel and exclaiming: Huh?!

The group continues sneaking past soldiers and walking through the hallways. They reach their destination and stop in front of a metal door. Penny looks at her left index finger, the tip of her finger turned over and reveals a green USB device.

Remnant's Wolverine (Wolverine!Male Reader x RWBY) Where stories live. Discover now