The truth

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After the argument that me and Ron had nobody talked for the rest of the ride. When we arrived at 9 ¾ we all started looking for mrs.weasley. Then I saw her right at the entrance. "Guys i found her" i yelled suddenly everybody started running towards her. "Hi Mrs.weasley, how are you"

"Hi Y/n i'm doing good, and please call me Molly."

After everybody gave her a hug, we all headed to the burrow. I was kinda nervous because I have never been to The Burrow before. Once we arrived inside I was shocked. I saw dishes washing themselves and a clock with Ron and his sibling on it. I've never seen a home like this before. Even though I'm a pureblood my family never really used magic in the house.

"Ginny, Hermione is sleeping in your room, Fred and George, Harry will be staying in your room. And ron, y/n will be sleeping in yours." molly says. I can't believe I'm sleeping in Ron's room for the whole summer. Nothing bad can happen right?

Time skip: after dinner

Me,Fred and George decided to sit on the couch after dinner and just talk about things.

"Alright guys i'm going to go take a shower." I say as i get up

"Wait after you're done, come to our room. We want to talk to you." He replied

"Umm ok." I say walking up the stairs. I wondered what they want to talk to me about. As I got out of the shower I realized I forgot my clothes. So I headed to Ron's room to get them, and as I walked in he started staring at me. "I'm sorry Ron I forgot my clothes." I say looking embarrassed.

"i- , uh- , don't worry about it, I will step out so you can get changed." he stuttered. Well that was weird he never acts like that, but i didn't think too much about it. "Ron you can come in now." As I go to the mirror to brush my hair I turn to him "ron im going to the twins room they want to talk to me about something important." I finish brushing my hair and I head to the twins room. As i enter i notice everybody was in there. "What's going on guys" I whispered

"We need to talk to you about something." Hermione says

"Why isn't Ron here." That's all I could think about.

"Because it's about him" The twins say in unison

"Omg this better not be about me liking him". I yell

"Why can't you just tell him and get it over with" Harry asked

"Harry, I have to spend the whole summer with him, what if he doesn't like me back?"

"He does," Ginny told you.

"I don't think you guys get it, I've been best friends with Ron since first year, he helped me through ups and downs, i can't lose him, i bet you guys are only saying he likes me to make me feel better. I can't make a foul out of myself." I yelled as I walked out of the room and walked back to the rons.

"Y/n mom said she didn't have any more mattress so i guess you can take the bed and i sleep on the couch" Ron offred

"Ron you can't take the couch" I say, he looks at me with a confused face. " We can both sleep in the bed, it's room for both of us" I suggested.

"Are you sure" ron says with a confused look on his face

"Yes Ron" I laugh. To be honest I don't know why I suggest sleeping in the same bed together, i dont wanna ruin our friendship but I want to be more than friends so bad. We both walk over to the bed and lay on our backs. I tried to close my close eyes and go to sleep but it wasn't working. The only thing I could think about was Ron and how I wanted to be more than friends, why can't he just feel the same way about me. Fred and George always said that I was the most beautiful girl they ever met but why did Ron think the same thing about me?

Time skip:The morning

"Omg Fred take a picture." Ginny Whispers Then all of a sudden I see a bright light and I open my eyes.

"What the fuck, what going on" I say in a sleepy voice then i realize my head is on rons chest. OMG they caught us.

"Leave now." I yelled as they all head down stairs

"What's going on?" ron says getting out of the bed. "Umm nothing lets just go eat ron"

We both head down stairs and take our seats. Molly hands us our food and I thank her. Everybody starts looking at us smiling. "What guys?" I say confused, George pulls out the camera and shows us the picture.'

"What's going on with you guys?" harry laughs

"Nothing harry we are just friends" Ron says rolling his eyes.

Just friends, these words make my stomach drop. Im so stupid to even think he would like me. I've always tried to expect the fact that he doesn't feel the same way but in the back of my mind I always had the feeling he does. Nobody ever looked at me the way he did. Friends don't look at friends that way right. I broke out of the thoughts when I heard the door open.

"Hi son, come join us." Molly says. i knew Ron had more brothers but i've never seen them before he was so handsome wow. I noticed that the only seat that was not taken was the one next to me. I got nervous all of the sudden,as he sits he turns to me and says "who is this beautiful girl."

"I'm y/n" I laugh. He grabs my hand and kisses it.

"Your ron's friend he talks about you all the time, i didn't expect you to be this beautiful." Bill winks

"Bloody hell stop flirting with my best friend" Ron snapped

I look at Ron with a confused face "He can flirt with me if he wants Ronald, we are just friends remember?" fred and george start laughing and ron gets up and leaves "i'm going back to my room"

Why is he so mad? He's the one that said that we were just friends first.

"Umm i will go check on him" i say getting up. When I entered the room Ron was sitting by the window.
"Ron please come sit on the bed and talk to me" I mumbled. He sits on the bed and we sit there for about 5 minutes in silence. I decided that I should break the silence. "Ron, I'm sorry, but I don't understand why did you get mad." I say putting my hands on his shoulder.

"I don't know." he says, not looking at me. Me and Ron have been friends for years and I know when he's lying.

"Ronlad just tell me i won't get mad, i just need to understand"

"It's because im in love with you" he whispered, i think he thought he did hear him but i did.

"I love you too" I look him in the eye. 


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