Why Me

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Last night I couldn't sleep, I kept on thinking about voldemort. What if he tries to attack again. I went downstairs to clear my mind but Harry was there too. We sat on the couch in silence for a bit.

"Y/n do you think we should go to the order?" Harry mumbled but loud enough to hear, I could see this worry on his face.

"Harry, I don't know, maybe we should wait. You don't think he will attack again do you?." Me and Harry went to the order after Cedric died. We only stayed for a week, only Molly and Arthur knew about it. I wanted to tell Ron and Hermione but i don't think it's the right time for that.

"No, not this summer but we should still start an army just in case." He says.

"Harry, we are just kids, we can't do this not now." I cried

"We have to be prepared, i know you're only saying this because you don't want to tell ron but we have to at one point." Harry was right; I didn't want to tell ron.

"He needs me, Harry. I want to fight but that means he has to fight too. I don't want to put everybody else's life at risk for me," I explain to him.

"We are going to have to take him down together, people are going to die at the end. Voldemort isn't ready to take us down yet but he will be soon. Sirius said next year we have to be ready, but we are safe this year. We still have time to prepare dont worry." He assures me, I know Harry is trying to make me feel safe but it's not working.

"Harry, I'm scared what if i lose him, i lost cedric already without ron i don't know what i will do." I sobbed.

"y/n i know, i'm so sorry this is all my fault. I didn't want to drag any of you guys in this, I care about you guys way too much but the truth is I need you. I need hermione and ron too, i don't know if i can take him on my own." Harry sniffled, I hate seeing Harry cry.

"No Harry, you're fine,it's not all your fault, without you i wouldn't be twice as strong as i am today. You put everybody before you, you're stronger than i will ever be. Harry we survived, we are here with the people we love. Who knows what would've happened if either of us didn't survive the maze. You deserve the world Harry. I hope you know that, we are only 16 and we all went through a lot of shit but it made us stronger at the end of the day." At this point both me and Harry were crying hysterically. The fact that 11 year old me was scared of voldemort, i would never think that i would have to be the one to defeat him with harry. I never even thought I would even meet Harry Potter, I'm so grateful for these last 4 year at Hogwarts but I lost people I loved. And it hurts so much, I didn't want Harry, Ron, the twins,and Hermione dying. We need each other, harry was right people will die but the question is will it be the people i care about? This seems like a nightmare that I can't wake up from. Me and Harry both said goodnight and headed up to get some rest.


"BREAKFAST IS READY!!"George said at the bottom of the stairs. Me and Ron both wake up and head to the bathroom to brush our teeth and hair. I entered the kitchen and saw a package on the table.

"Draco's owl dropped that off for you this morning." George said sitting down at the table. I invited Draco to my party because he was my friend but he didn't show up. I didn't think much of it. He was probably busy, I thought. I stare at the package and wonder what it is.

"Well what are you waiting for open it." Ron looks at me across the table. I started opening it and I saw a small box and a letter. I decided to open the letter first.

Dear y/n,

I'm sorry I didn't come to your party. I was super busy. I'm writing this letter because i've been having something on my mind for the last couple of months, but i never knew how to tell you this in person. I know you only see me as a friend but I see you as way more than that. I'm in love with y/n, I've always been. You probably don't feel but please give me a chance. Happy birthday!

Love, draco

This has to be a prank there's no way. I give the letter to Ginny for her to read it. "Ginny you see what it says to right??" I asked her.

"Holy fuck y/n what are you going to do." Shes whispers

"George and fred are you pranking me right now"

"No, what does the letter say?" Fred asked, I read the letter out loud and everybody's faces went blank. Nobody knew what to say or do.

"Oh bloody hell, y/n i knew it i told you on the train." Ron shouts

"Ronald it's not my fault, I didn't do anything to make him fall in love with me." i defend myself

"I still told you,and you didn't listen"

"Ron we weren't together so it didn't matter." I say to him

"Whatever, just open the small box" he demands . I opened the box and inside was a gold bracelet with real diamonds on it. "He's trying to steal my girlfriend" Ron panics.

"Ronald, I'm not going to date ferret boy, I'm in love with you" I assure him.

"So, what are you going to do with the bracelet" Ginny asked

"I'm going to give it back to him, and i'm not going to write him back. I will just wait until it's time to go back to school to break the news to him" I explain to them

"y/n why can't you just sell the bracelet it's worth a lot of money" George asked

"No George, are you out of your mind? I can't do that." I slap the back of his neck. I felt bad for Draco,He deserves better.

(hey guys so the next chapter is going to be a big time skip, i want to hurry up and put them back in school a lot of stuff is going to go down at school. I'm so sorry that i'm not posting when i say i'm going to post, i've been babysitting so im tired. In this book I want to focus on them being tenngers so they wont have to worry about voldemort alot.)

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