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September 1

Finally it's the day I've been dreading,but I have to tell him. I hope he understands and we can still be friends, maybe he can get over the crush he has on me and find somebody else. He deserves so much better.

"Y/n are you okay you haven't eaten any of your food." Ron puts his hand on my thigh bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yea I'm just not really hungry." i put on a fake smile so he doesn't worry about me.


"Ok does everybody have their stuff, it's time to go we don't wanna be late" Molly says getting up from the table. We all bring our trunks down and stand by the fireplace. Everybody gets a handful of floo powder and yells 'kings cross station'. It was me and Rons turn next, we were the last ones to go.
"KING CROSS STATION" we both yell in unison. I felt dizzy but then I opened my eyes and i'm at the train station.

"Come on everybody follow me." molly yells, as we approach platform 9 and 10.


Everybody gives Molly a hug then we all enter the train. Fred and George went to sit next to their friends and Ginny went with her 4th year friends. Me, Ron, Harry, and Hermione find an empty compartment and sit in it. We talked for a little then I decided it's time to go and break the news to Draco. Might as well get it over with now.

"Guys i'm going to go talk to draco." I say to all of them I reach in my pocket and hand Ron 10 gallons for the trolly. "I'm not hungry so get something for yourself with it." I walked out of the compartment and walked down the aisle trying to find him. I finally find his and open the compartment. Pansy and blaise were with him.

( a/n i know blaise wasn't with him in 5th year but just go with it.)

"Hey Pansy, Draco and Blaise" I try to make small talk.

"Hey y/n, you look beautiful as always" blasie smirks, i see pansy roll her eyes.
"Don't be a bitch pansy, you can have Blaise all to yourself." I laugh, I notice Draco staring at me. "Anyways i need to talk to draco." both pansy and blaise leave, pansy gives me a dirty look so i flip her off. God i hate that bitch.

"Hey," I say looking down at my shoes, trying not to meet his eyes.

"Hey, did you read the letter?" he asked.

"Yea, draco i did, i can't be with you im sorry." my voice cracks, i feel so bad for him.

"y/n, look at me." I finally brought my eyes up to meet his. "Why can't you be with me, I thought you liked me."

"Draco I'm with Ron" I took a deep breath, I could see draco's eyes start to water.

"Then break up with him" he mumbles. I can't believe he wants me to break up with Ron just to be with him.

"Are you out of your mind, i'm in love with him you git!" I yell at him. "You have an youre bracelet back too" I hand it to him but he doesn't reach for it.

"It was a birthday present, keep it." he pushes my hand away. I walked out of the compartment, i cant believe him. He was being so selfish, why can he just let me be happy? I walk back to the compartment with my friends and sit down. I notice Hermione looking at the daily prophet, she looks at me with a confused face.

"Y/n and Harry, have you guys read the daily prophet yet." hermione asked. Me and Harry look at each other and shake our heads 'no'. Hermione turns the paper around so we can see what it says 'the chosen ones'. I look at Harry with a confused look.

"What do they mean by the chosen ones." i ask

"because of everything with Cedric and the torment , and it says that you're the girl who survived" Hermione says.

"I thought there could be only chosen one" harry says

"Me too" I mumbled.

"Anyways what did Malfoy say." Ron changed the subject.

"He's a complete git, he wants me to break up with you for him. He wouldn't let me give him back the bracelet so i still have it." I explained to them.

"So are you going to break up with me" Ron asked we a sad look on his face
"Ronald wealsey, are you serious, I'm in love with you and only you." i can't believe Ron thinks i would even think about breaking up with him.


We finally arrived at Hogwarts after a 5 hour of being on the train. Hardgid took the first years on the boats and the rest of us had to take a carriage. We followed the path to the carriages and I started to hear a noise. When I walked up to the carriage I saw these creatures that were pulling the carriage, me and Harry stopped and looked at eachother.

"What is that." Harry asked

"I dont know,ive never seen them before." i replied

"You guys are crazy there's nothing there." Hermione looked at us both confused. Then I heard this calm voice.

"You're not going mad, I see them too, you're just as sane as i am." she said, when i looked up it was luna lovegood.

"Luna??" I beamed.

"Hi, y/n you look really nice." she says getting in the carriage.

"Hey Luna, I missed you, everybody, this is my friend Luna lovegood." We all got in the carriage.i can tell everybody was getting awkward around luna. She was different but I like the way she is. Everybody was silent the whole ride except for me and Luna. We were talking about nargles and her necklace.

--- great hall

When me and Harry walked into the great hall everybody was staring at us, Harry was used to it but I wasn't. I saw a couple people reading me and harry's page on the daily prophet. Me and Harry sat next to each other, Ron and Hermione sat in front of us. We watched the first years get sorted, then the feast begin. I didn't feel like eating because everybody was staring at me.

"How do you do it harry?" i asked him

"Do what?" harry is so clueless when it comes to stuff.

"With people staring at you."

"To be honest y/n i dont care anymore, just don't pay attention." Harry said. It's so hard not to pay attention. During the whole feast the first years kept coming over to me and Harry asking for autographs and stuff. It was weird but i didn't want to be mean so i said yes. After dinner we all went up to our dorms to unpack.


After two hours of unpacking I was finally done. I decided I should go help Ron out because I know he's not done yet. When I went inside his dorm it was a mess. All five of them noticed I was there; they all just stood there looking at me.

"What happened here." I asked them.

"It was ron's idea." Harry blurted out, I looked at him with a 'are you serious face.'

"Bae I swear it wasnt me." Ron put his hands in the air

"BAE??" Neville, Dean and Seamus said in unison.

"Yea were dating." I said.

"About time." Dean said.

I spend the rest of the night helping them clean their dorm.

(hey guys its been a long time, I'm so sorry for not uploading. I've been spending a lot of time on my other story but im  back the next chapter should be out tomorrow.- Shantell)

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