Happy Birthday

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The next 2 weeks were spent planning for the party. Me and Harry got super close over the next couple of days because the twins, Ron, Ginny and Hermione would always go to Diagon Alley without us. They kept telling us we couldn't come because it was a secret. I wasn't really sad about Cedric anymore,everybody would try to keep me occupied, to be honest it was kind of annoying sometimes. I get that they are trying to make me forget about Cedric but they treat me like a 5 year old.

Time next: The Day Of The Party

It's finally my birthday time to get this over with. I wasn't really looking forward to the party but maybe this party is what I needed.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Ginny burst in my room dancing.

"Oh my merlin Ginny calm down." i say getting up from the bed, noticing that Ron wasn't in the bed with me. "Ginny, where's ron?"

"Oh everybody is down stairs they are helping set up the tint, charlie came to help too" She replied.

"Charlie?? The cute one I've seen him in pictures but I never met before." I say smiling.

"Y/n calm down you're with ron remember?" Ginny says hitting my shoulder.

"It's not my fault all your brothers are hot." I defend myself.

"Eww, and let's go downstairs, you missed breakfast but I can make you a sandwich. Ginny grabs my hand and pulls me down the stairs. Ginny makes me and her a sandwich and we sit down and eat. All the boys come back inside and join us at the table. Ron grabs my sandwich and starts eating it.

"Hey that's my sandwich, give it back." I try to grab it but ron puts the whole thing in his mouth. "Are you serious Ronald?" I hit the back of his head.

"Who's this beautiful girl?" Charlie says pointing at me smiling.

"Oh im y/n, l/n." I say smiling at him

"I didn't know that your friend was so beautiful." Charlie says looking at Ron and the twins.

"Yea i know my girlfriend is so beautiful" Ron rolls his eyes at charlie.

"Ron don't be mean,he was trying to compliment me" I whispered to him.

"I wasn't being mean, he was flirting with you." He whispers back to me.

"Whatever." I mumble under my breath

"Sorry mate i didn't know" Charlie apologies.

After lunch Ginny and Hermione took me upstairs to get me ready. While the boys put up the tables and decorations They made such a big deal about the party, they wanted everything to be perfect.

"So what are you wearing?" Ginny asked.

"I bought a dress from diagon alley but it's kind of reveling so i think i'm just going to wear jeans and a shirt." I said to them holding up the dress for them to see.

"y/n its beautiful you have to wear it." Hermione grabs the dress out of my hand to get a better look at it.

"No, Hermione, my boobs are too big for that," I explained to her.

"No there not, the dress compliments your body just wear please." hermione begs. I finally gave in and wore the dress, Hermione curled my hair while Ginny did my makeup. When I looked in the mirror I was shocked. I looked so beautiful.

"Hey, can i come in." Harry says after knocking on the door.

"Yea" Hermione yells. Harry walks in and his eyes go straight to me.

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