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For the last couple of days ron kept on trying to talk to me but i wasn't letting him. I decided not to worry about him, what I was worried about was the field trip to the hotel. We were going to spend about two weeks there, then we would go back to hogwarts for a day and pack for christmas break. I was staying at the burrow even though me and Ron broke up. That's where I always stayed. My mum and dad both had their own company, which means they have a lot of money, they always send me money every week. I haven't really talked to them in 6 months. They would just send me money with no letter. I was used to it, and I can spend all the money they give me for new clothes and christmas gifts.


"y/n we only have an hour until it's time to go on the train. Why are you just now packing." harry rolled his eyes

"I'm already packed. I'm just making sure I don't need more clothes." i said, cleaning up the empty shopping bags from the floor.

"it's going to be freezing, you don't need 5 different bikinis."

"You obviously don't read harry. The pool area is charmed so the weather is hot when you go by it. This isn't like the muggle hotel I took you to, it's way different." I explained to him. I decided to do a little extra reading about this hotel that we were going to, I've never been to a hotel in the wizarding world so I needed to know what to expect.

"You don't think he will try to attack us there." Harry fidgeted with his fingers.

"Of course not Harry. Let's not worry about him, let's just focus about being teengers for once and enjoying our time at the hotel." I tried to comfort him. "Now come on it's time to go." I rolled my luggage out of the room. Everybody was already in the common room waiting. We all walked down to the train together, I put my stuff in the back of the train. I took a seat in the compartment we always sit at while Hermione and Harry put their trunks in. I blacked out for a minute staring at the wall, then Hermione, Harry and Ron came in and sat down. I had no idea why Ron was sitting with Hailey but I'm just glad he didn't take a seat next to me. I couldn't help but look at Ron's hand and I noticed the promise ring still there. I still had mine on because it was one of my favorite gifts but i don't know why he still has it on.

"Hermione, he still has the ring on." I whispered to her. Hermione's glaze went to Ron's hand then she looked back at me.

"Why does he still have it on?" she whispered back

"I don't know but i'm going to ask him."

"y/n that's not a good idea-." Hermione began but I ignored her.

"Ronald why do you still have the ring on." I asked him, pointing to his finger. I honestly wanted to know but I'm still mad at him. "You broke the promise so there's no need for you to wear it." i continued

"y/n lets not do this." he gritted his teeth. I took off my ring and look at the back of it where it said 'forever'

"You said forever but i guess you didn't really mean it." i said bluntly.

"I did mean forever." he looked me straight in the eye.

"Bullshit. Do you want the ring back so you can promise hailey forever too?" I rolled my eyes. Before he could say anything Harry broke our argument .

"Can you guys just make up already? This is getting old seriously."

"When he learns to stop playing with my feelings, that's when we can make up." i raised my voice

"Oh fuck this im leaving." Ron said, getting up and leaving the compartment. Harry and Hermione didn't say a word after he left.


"Wake up. We are here." Hermione said, shaking me and Harry back and forth. I looked out the window and saw the big hotel. I quickly jumped up from my seat and got off the train. Professor McGonagall had all of us bunch up around her.

"Attention everyone, you guys will be sorted into groups of 2. You will be sharing a room with one other person. I will allow you guys to choose but they have to be the same gender as you. I honestly don't care what you guys do while you're here. this is a vacation just make sure to follow all the rules. Do you understand?" she shouted so everybody could hear. Everybody said yes. Me and Hermione decided to share a room with each other. We entered the hotel and everybody got their keys. "Miss Granger and miss L/n can i see you for a second." msgongall said. We nodded and heard over towards her. "Y/n you're dad paid extra money and brought you a 2 bedroom suite here. I didn't think you knew about it so i just wanted to tell you." she said

"Ok thank you professor" i smiled

"Did you know?" Hermione said, clicking the button on the elevator.

"Nope." We both got into the elevator and I clicked the number 10. After a while we finally found our hotel room. Harry,Fred and George were already waiting by our door. "Shouldn't you guys be in your hotel room." I raised my eyebrow at them. Hermione swiped the card and the light turned green. She slowly opened the heavy door.

"Yea but we wanted to se- woah." Fred walked into our hotel room.

"How did you guys get this room." Harry gasped

"Professor said that my dad paid extra money for it." i told them

"I thought you said this was supposed to be a wizarding world hotel. They have a muggle tv in here." Harry said, grabbing the remote to the tv.

"It is but they have a lot of muggle things in here. You should've done your research." I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways let's go swimming." fred suggested

"No fred it's too late plus you guys need to unpack. If you need help just tell me." I said to all of them. Then I heard a knock on the door, I opened it and it was Dean and seamus. "Why is everybody coming into my room?" i complained, opening the door wider to let them in.

"Woah i didn't know this was your room. We just wanted to see if somebody from our school had it. Every floor has one suite, seamus thought somebody from the other school had it." Dean said.

"Other school?" I looked at them confused.

"Yea it's another school here too. Me and Dean actually became friends with some of them already " Seamus said.

"We haven't even been here for an hour and you already made friends with the other school." Hemione said.

"We should make friends with them too, Hermione, it will be fun. Plus we can get invited to all of the parties." I exclaimed.

"I'm with y/n. Plus it's going to be a lot of girls there." Fred winked.

"They are probably more interested in me then you." I said to him.

"Not every girl likes girls, y/n." Fred rolled his eyes.

"They haven't seen me yet then. Let's face it I'm hot and you're not." i laughed

"She has a point mate, y/n could get any guy or girl she wanted." Harry started laughing.

"Oh whatever mate." Fred said, annoyed.

(I'm so sorry that this is just a chapter filler. I just wanted to make sure they got settled in there hotel before I make the new chapter. Anyways the next one should be out today or tomorrow.-shantell) 

My Favorite Weasleyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें