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Tw sensitive topics: eating disorder, depression, anxiety. Please don't read ahead if you don't feel comfortable with these topics.  

It's only been 5 days since he broke up with me but it feels like years. How am I supposed to move on? I know its stupid to say that you need a boy in youre life but i do, i need Ron but he's gone now. How does somebody fall out of love that fast? None of this wouldn't have happened if we just stayed friends. What hurts the most is that even if we tried to be friends again i couldn't do it because i would still love him. I always had this feeling that we were soulmates, i know its stupid because we are only 15 but my mind kept telling me that we were meant for eachother. I'm not even with him anymore but i still feel that way and i always will.

Hermione Pov

None of this made sense. How is ron going to throw away a perfect relationship for someone he met about 3 months ago. Something isn't adding up, ron loves Y/n. His face would light up when he talked about her. Me and Harry were sitting in the great hall eating, y/n hasn't come down to eat ever since he broke up with her.

"Harry, I'm worried for her. She hasn't eaten and the only time she cried was the first day he broke up with her. she said she wants to go to the party today, i don't think that's a good idea. I don't want her going back to her old ways'' I told harry.

"Hermione, she's not going to go back to her old ways. Do you really think she wants to do the recovery all over again? Besides she might find somebody new at the party." Harry replied.

"Of course not but Ron treated her right there's no replacing him and you know that harry." i explained to him

"Everybody is replaceable 'Mione." Harry said stuffing food in his mouth.

Y/n pov

Hermione kept asking me questions trying to understand why I wasn't showing any emotions, or why I'm not sad. I am sad, but she doesn't need to know that it's better if i kept it to myself. I miss Ron, but I know he doesn't miss me. He has Hailey now. I guess i wasn't enough for him. I can't let this faze me. I have to go on in life without him, I have no choice. It was the weekend that means people are having parties. I got invited to the slytherin party but i decided just to go to the one fred and george were having. Harry and Hermione were in the great hall, I decided that I should join them because I haven't been there in a few days. I put on my shoes and walked down the corridor . When i reached the great hall there were not a lot of people in there that was usual because nobody really came down for lunch.. I spotted Harry sitting by himself. Hermione wasn't across from him like she's always is . I walked over and sat next to harry.

"Hey harry." i smiled. "Where's hermione?"

"She left with george." he replied "you should eat." He grabbed a plate and started putting food on it.

"Harry, I'm not hungry but thanks." I gave him a weak smile, he looked down at the plate then back at me. "Harry, I got better last year, it's okay." I pushed the plate of food away from me.

"Hey y/n." i voiced said, looked up and it was colin ceveery he was holding pictures in his hand.


"Sorry to bother you but i have a lot of pictures of you and Cedric, so i thought i would give them to you." he said handing me the pictures, it was about 30 of them. "And these are for Anthony, he doesn't like me so i thought you could give them to him." he handed me some more pictures but it was only about 8.

"Thanks colin, it means a lot.'' I smiled at him, nodded then left. "Harry, I will be right back. I'm going to give these to Anthony." I left the gryffindor table and went to the hufflepuff one. I spotted Anthony and sat on the empty seat next to him, that was the seat that Cedrix would always sit in.

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