You Hurt Me

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Me, Harry, and Hermione were sitting in my dorm, I was trying to explain to them what happened.

"What does a break even mean? It seems like he's trying to break up with you or something." Hermione said

"That's what i'm saying." i agreed with her.

"It means he wants a break from you, it's not that hard to understand." Harry chimed in. Sometimes Harry's opinions are not needed. He comes off as mean most of the time,but he's clueless so he doesn't get it.

"I'm about to kick you out harry, you don't get it." i said to him

"Sorry, I wasn't trying to say it like that. I meant that maybe he's not trying to get too attached to you." Harry explained to me.

"Harry, where am I going? I've known Ron for 5 years i haven't left his side since then." Harry gave me a look, then I realized what he meant. He was talking about the war. "Harry, stop i don't want to think about it right now. Plus he doesn't know what's going on so it can't be that."

"Think about what?" Hermione asked, I forgot we haven't told her yet.

"Nothing." Me and Harry said in unison

"Um ok, do you guys want to get lunch."

"No, I'm good Hermione."

"Y/n, you have to eat something, come on. You can't fall back into this stage again." Hermione placed her hand on top of mines.

"Ok let's go then." i had to say yes at this point or they would worry about me.

I was walking through the corridor with Harry and Hermione. We were talking about quidditch, and Hermione wasn't interested at all. I was trying to tell her that she should try out, but of course she denied my offer. I saw a group of slytherin girls approach us, Pansy was in the group. I knew they were going to start trouble, especially now that Pansy is friends with Hailey.

"Aw, look who it is. It's the whore, rumour has it that you slept with all the Weasley over the summer." Pansy laughed.

"Call me a whore again and see what's going to happen Pansy." my fist was clenched in a ball, i was trying my best not to get angry at her but today wasnt the day to mess with me. I looked around the corridor to make sure no teachers were around.

"Whore" she said slowly. The next thing you know I was punching her in her nose and she went straight to the ground . I got on top of her and started throwing punches left to right. She tried to throw a few punches in but I dodged all of them.

"Stop y/n, she's bleeding." Hermione's voice echoed, i wasn't listen i just kept punching her. Then somebody touched my arm pulling me back, I noticed the touch somewhere, it calmed me down and brought me back to reality. I noticed Pansy face had a lot of blood on it but I didn't feel sorry, she deserved it. I looked over my shoulder to see who was holding me, it was Ron, he grabbed me and held me tight.

"Let go, Ron" I tried to get free from his grip. He tossed me over his shoulder. I kept on kicking my feet trying to get loose but I couldn't. He finally let me down and put me on the common room couch.

"Why didn't you listen? I told you to let me go." I shouted.

"You were hurting her, i can't let you hurt people Y/n. You know that." He said, in a calm voice.

"You hurt me yesterday and you didn't care." tears were running down my face not because i was sad, i was angry. He gave me a confused look. "You said you wanted a break, you made it seem like I did something wrong . You hurt me."

"y/n, i-" he tried to speak but i didn't let him.

"You what ron, its okay. You don't have to explain when you're ready to actually talk to me then you know where to find me." I said. Hermione and Harry were standing there witnessing the whole thing. "Lets go hermione." I knew Harry was going to talk to Ron so I didn't tell him to come with me. We went up to the bathroom so I could clean all of this blood off of me.

Hermione grabbed her wand from out of her pocket "Tergeo" she muttered, suddenly all the blood was gone from off of my hands.

"Thanks 'Mione."

Ron's pov

I didn't get any of this, I wanted to give her space she seemed stressed. Now she hates me. Y/n and Hermione walked off leaving me and Harry together.

"What's your problem mate." harry asked

"Harry, i don't know what to do. I messed up." I told him.

"Ron just dont talk to her right now, she's hurt because of you. When you actually know what to do or say that's when you should talk to her." Harry said.

Harry was right, i should just give her some space and everything will turn out alright.

( I wrote this in an hour so don't judge, I was trying to get this chapter over with. A lot of stuff is going to happen in the next one.😟- Shantell)

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