Chapter Thirty One

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There was a celebration part being held at the palace/castle, both worked.

I could hardly remember what for. I believe maybe a celebration for retirement for one of our top generals. They were on the same level of Liam, but wasn't able to fight as much as he once was able to, so it was time for him to step down and retire.

I was attending for two reasons, to congratulate the general since I knew him, and to talk to Damon.

Though, unfortunately, he was almost always surrounded by people and it was hard to catch his eye.

So I made small talk.

I'd become more social because of Liam, though I still avoided crowds of If could. He said I needed to do just well enough that I was deemed a respectable Duke. That's all.

Small talk I could tolerate. And since most of the guests were other high ranking soldiers, it was pretty easy to get along.

I floated from person to person as we talked, and eventually got the the man of honor himself. General Harry Isgard.

"General Isgard, congrats on the retirement!" I congratulated cheerfully.

He smiled kindly, nodding his head. "Thank you Duke Reynolds. How have things been?"

"I've been trying to open up a bit more. Time heals all wounds after all."

He nodded again, "glad to see you doing better. When I lost my wife, I thought I'd never be able to feel happy again. Then I met my second wife, and she let me heal before we ever fell in love."

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around feelings."

"You find someone?" He asked.

I shrugged, scratching at the back of my neck, "possibly? I don't know. I want to try and everything, but I'm still worried about a billion things."

"Any man would be lucky to have you. So whoever it is, I'm sure they're equally worried because it's hard to live up to you."

"Enough about me though, how do you plan to spend retirement?"

Harry thought for a moment, "well, my wife and I plan to move to another estate, our summer one. Give the children our estate to take care of, pass the torch as you will."

"Sounds pleasant. The soldiers and I will miss you."

He chuckled a bit at that, "you will get along well without me to nag you. Besides, they respect you, they'd listen to anything you have to say."

"Liam told them off enough that they got common sense," I joked.

"He was a great General. I can see why you loved him."

Before I said anything else, he was whisked away by his wife towards some friends of hers. I waved him goodbye as he left, smiling as I did so.

And it was then that it seemed Damon was alone. Finally. I walked over, taking him in. He was leaning against the wall, head tilted back, eyes closed. His hair was a bit messy, his crown skewed from him leaning back.

Tiring night.

"Need a friend?" I joked as I leaned in the wall besides him.

He smiled at that, judging me a bit with his arm. "You're an asshole."

"But it made you smile," I pointed out.

He opened his eyes, looking at me, simply to roll them at me. Hilarious. "So, how's the party?"

"It's been good. Talked to the General, a good man."

"That he is. I feel like I haven't had a chance to myself in all of this chaos," he admitted.

I looked around, seeing that no one was paying attention to us for once, "well, if I could steal a moment of your time, I feel like we need to talk."

His smile sagged just a bit, and he nodded, starting to walk out, I followed beside him as we left for the gardens and went to the iconic Koi pond.

"Strange you picked here," I hummed out.

He sighed, shrugging a bit, "most people don't try coming here unless they know the palace."

"Fair. It's a nice place to have words."

He nodded, looking at me, "so, what is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"I know this is stupid, but you like me?" I started. "Truly, you want to be with me?"

"I'm not so cruel to joke about something like that. And it's more than like, I love you."

I sighed, scratching the back of my neck, "I love you too. I do. And I want to be with you."

He smiled a bit, the smile somewhat lopsidedly sitting on his face. "I know we've talked about me being ready for this, but are you ready for it?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"If you want us to stay secret, we can, but it won't last forever. People will know. And if we got married, you'd have to leave your home. You could no longer be a Duke, your next in line would get that title. You'd love here, be busy all the time. Meetings, parties, all of that. It is what's expected of you."

I knew the public would find out eventually, I was fine with that, though leaving home? That would be a hard thing to agree to. It wouldn't be immediately,and I'd grow accustomed to being away, but it still sucked to think I'd leave one day.

"Are you okay with all of that?"

I took in a deep breath and accepted it all, "I'm okay with it. If it allows me to be with you, then I'll be fine with it."

He smiled warmly, reaching for my hands. I took them, the two of us awkwardly holding hands, faces hot.

This was awkward.

I didn't know what to do, how to lead or be lead. It's not like I dated people, I dated one person, and Damon would be the second and hopefully the last.

I let our hands slip, reaching to cup his face. It was so warm, and the look in his eyes was so inquisitive. I couldn't help but feel myself met at the gaze.

I closed my eyes and leaned in, connecting our lips. Damon went slack and I had to catch him with one of my arms, holding his close. He gripped onto me, finger clutching at the fabric of my shirt, taking purchase of it.

It was intimate, closer than I ever thought we'd be, but I couldn't help but sink right back into it like we were both two perfect puzzle pieces.

Yet, air reached out for us, and we pulled away to let it in, panting a small bit.

"We should head back before they notice our absence," he suggested, his hands moving to smooth out the wrinkles he created.

"I suppose we should. Can't have the people spreading wild rumors."

We both laughed as we started heading back.

We'd be fine.


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