Chapter Forty

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It didn't take any time for word of the emperor's resignation to spread, and it took even less time for word of my engagement with Damon to spread.

The next day, everyone knew.

Since I was still in the capital, I received a tidal wave of questions about the whole thing.

Breakfast there was stiffening.

Well, Damon was still a delight.

"So, sleep well?" Damon asked.

I shrugged, "still tired. After all the excitement of last night, I found it hard to sleep."

"I'm glad you're wearing the ring," he said warmly.

I smiled at him fondly, "you gave it too me, of course I'd wear it."

The princes seemed disgusted, but didn't say anything. The Princess however thought it was cute.

"So you two have been together for about a year?" She asked.

I nodded, "we have. We actually talked a lot about it before we started dating. We wanted to make sure we'd be prepared for the difficulties we'd face together."

"I am going to be the new emperor. Not everyone will be keen on my spouse being a man," Damon explained. "Isaiah did tell me his worries and I told him mine. Though it does seem his biggest worry wasn't anything to fear."

The emperor hummed at that, "oh?"

"I know you're alright with me liking men, but I didn't know if you were okay with your son liking men. I worried," I admitted.

"Well, it wasn't what I had in mind, but as long as my son is happy, than I see no issue."

That was good. It was one of my few fears regarding the whole thing. I didn't want to be in Damon's way. But he was still becoming the emperor, and I was by his side.

"I actually had my suspicions for awhile," the emperor admitted. "You have this certain stare you give when you're attracted. You had it for the longest time with Damon. When that didn't work out the first time, that gaze moved to Liam. So when I saw that gaze again, directed towards my son... I assumed."

"I have never seen what I look like when I give that apparent gaze, but everyone says I'm obvious."

"Well not extremely, no one really figured out we were together until we told Finn and Leon," Damon assured.

No one outright said anything, but people could make guesses. And judging from why people said regarding Damon, he was fairly obvious himself.

"You know, before I confessed to you the first time around, everyone who knew told me I was obvious. I'm sure they just didn't think it needed to be said."


Even though we were together now, and engaged no less, I still recalled the first confession.

Maybe it was the reminiscent talk, but I hated recalling it.

"So, the rest of your family went back last night, right?" Damon questioned.

I nodded, "they left me to talk about the engagement and everything. I'm already stressing about how big the wedding will be."

Damon chuckled at that, "unfortunately, that is part of being with a royal."

True. I expected as much when we got together. "That does remind me. How do royal wedding go?"

The emperor butt in. "Well, Damon will be crowned as emperor first, then after a week is normally when the wedding happens. It takes a total of a month for the transition, so it's usually a week preparation, the coronation, the week long setup for the wedding, the wedding, and then the week long honeymoon."

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