Chapter Two

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"Lord Reynolds, do you think you are stronger than an entire army?"

Oh god, this brat.

I had finally met the third love interest, Sir Liam Harold, the Knight with a bad personality.

Honestly, I liked his route. He was a stubborn fool who cared deeply for his family and fought with every ounce of his heart.

But before he got to care for anyone, he was a brat with a bad temper.

A newly appointed and arrogant knight in the royal army.

"This matter isn't so much of thinking as of knowing. I'm well aware of my abilities."

"Gah, you're such a fool! How can you be so arrogant?" Liam shouted.

I sighed, hating the way the soldiers looked at us.

We were the youngest and causing an uproar. "Sir Harold, this is neither the time nor place, to pick a fight. When we reach the battle, you can see how truthful I am. Until then, we should remain amicable."

"I guess I should've expected this from the royal kiss up. So favored by the emperor. Do you plan on replacing the crown prince?"

I frowned heavily, "the crown prince is the most capable man I know to lead this country. To say such treacherous things... have you no shame?"

His face went wide in shock.

"Please, lets end this disagreement here."

Liam bit back his retorts and left. I was eft standing alone while the soldiers went back to their mindless chatter.

I decided to join the battle at the eastern border, Damon had come along as well...

But I hadn't the chance to see either of them in the time I'd spent there.

It felt like the emperor thought it was punishment to distance myself from them both.

But I was fine. The silence that followed me was almost soothing.

My character had been isolated up until the heroine appeared. I already befriended the crown prince, who was the sworn rival of the Duke, but it's not like everything would be easy.

Honestly, Liam and Damon were both the least cared about characters when it came to the game, but I loved playing their routes.

And Liam was attractive in his own right. He had blood red hair and golden eyes. In his future he'd be praised as the "red knight."

Two attractive characters who girls didn't like because their personalities got in the way. Which is understandable, but they didn't see much beyond that.

"You're an interesting child."

Oh. A new person.

I glanced over to see an older night. With his dark hair and good eyes... I knew it must've been Liam's cousin Leon Hawthorn.

"I've been told."

Leon chuckled a bit, "I do hope you and my dear cousin get along." He glanced i ever at a nearby tent. "He could use some friends."

Well obviously. In the game it's discovered on his route that he lost his whole family a few weeks before becoming a night. It was just him and Leon.

He needed a friend.

"I hope we can get along as well."

When he left, I decided to go for a small stroll. Well, a patrol I suppose, not that anyone really cared where I went.

And I ran into Liam. He was leaned against a tree trunk, slumped as if defeated.

"Mind if I join you?"

He startled and looked at me, a glare overcoming his face, "what do you want?"

"To sit. And maybe talk?"

He huffed angrily, but scoot a bit so I could sit besides him. I gladly took a seat, enjoying the cricket sounds.

"I know I seem pretentious, but in all honesty, I'm not really aware of my own abilities. And I've been taken advantage of enough to not want to."

"Huh?" Liam responded, clearly confused.

I shrugged, looking up at the stars, "you already saw the emperor favored me. I'm not so dull to see that the crown prince hates such a thing. And I constantly have to fight his highness just to let the crown prince get a chance to prove himself."

"So you're aware of it?"

"I've been told he sees me as a son. But I don't see that man as a father. The crown prince is my friend, I'm not trying to take his father away. I don't want to."

"Then why are you here?" He asked em.

"I promised to join the front if he brought the crown prince along. Otherwise I wouldn't come. He thinks that not seeing him is some sort of punishment for speaking out of turn. If anything, I miss my friend."

Liam seemed taken aback by what I was saying. "Here I thought you were trying to be more than you already were." He glanced away, "I'm sorry for assuming."

"It was a fair assumption. I didn't deny it like I should have. I know I'm strong, but being thick headed is going to get us killed."

"You're a surprisingly good person Lord Reynolds."

I smiled a bit shyly, "you're free to call me Isaiah. It's just the two of us after all."

"Then Isaiah... lets start over. Water under the bridge," he proposed.

"I'd like that." It would be nice to have friends. "Start over."

"Then I guess introductions are in order. I'm Liam Hawthorn, knight in the imperial army."

I grinned happily, "I'm Duke Isaiah Reynolds. Pleased to make your acquaintance Sir Hawthorn."

"You are so overly formal. If I can call you Isaiah, please just call me Liam."

"Alright Liam."

A faint little hint of pink rose to his cheeks, and I couldn't help but think he was adorable.

I was hopelessly in love with Damon, but that didn't mean Liam wasn't cute.

"It's hard to believe you aren't engaged yet. With charms like yours, I feel that women would be swooning," he complimented.

I smiled kindly, biting back remarks of my sexuality, "thank you, but I'm not interested in such things right now."

"You say that now, but at the victory banquet, women are sure to flock your sides."

Ugh. That reminded me that the graduation party of sorts had been like that. Girls confessed to me and i had to keep rejecting them, all while Damon laughed his ass of at how uncomfortable I was.

The victory banquet would be so much worse, because it would be thrown for the whole kingdom.

"My stance won't change, I'm sure. Anyway, since it's late, we should rest. We have to fight tomorrow after all."

Liam nodded in agreement. "Then goodnight then. I can't wait to see if the ego matches the ability."

"Then I'll be sure not to disappoint. Goodnight."

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