Chapter Forty Six

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The coronation. It was extravagantly decorated, and I almost blended in with the scenery, which is what I wanted honestly. It was a time for attention to be on Damon, not me. Which still surprised people. I wore dark, rich blues which did stand out against the gold of the palace, but blended with the guests that were there for the coronation.

I'd blend with the paintings and the drapes, with the night and follow it all the way through.

That said, waiting to see Damon was painful. Due to how the coronation and wedding was planned, I hadn't seen him since the training event, and I wouldn't see him until our wedding night after this. Due to tradition that couldn't be broken.

Tonight I'd barely be able to see him. Even as the star of the night.

"It's hard to believe he's becoming emperor, huh?" Oh right, I was here with other people. I glanced to Leon, who's weeks content, yet sad.

"Yeah. It's a shame that Liam isn't here to see it with us."

Leon shared a sad smile, agreeing. "I'm happy he was reborn, I just wish I had the chance to say goodbye."

I didn't say anything, there was nothing to say. I got to say goodbye. I was allowed that. He died in my arms and I saw him after.

A pit swelled in my stomach at the thought of Leon resenting me for that. He'd become like family when Liam and I were together. I didn't want him to ever come to hate me.

"Still, he'd be happy with how everything has been. It's peaceful. No war to worry about, and you're alive. You made him happy, and he'd be happy that you're moving on."

He was always the type to put others first. When it came to me, it was no exception, but I liked when he was selfish. When he held my hand and asked without saying.

I hope he's happy.

"I'm happy for you, you know. You're my brother. Bit by blood or marriage, but you cared for Liam when most of the world gave up on him. I want you too be happy, just like he wanted it."

I smiled at my feet, "thank you."

"Well, I'm going to mingle, see you later. And don't step on The princes feet when you two dance."

"Wait, dance?"

Leon looked at me, smiled and left.

I remembered so little about the coronation event in the game. Especially considering it was during war time with a female protagonist. Most traditions were abandoned.

So I knew almost nothing about all this. I knew how to dance at least, so I'd be fine... hopefully.

I didn't wander too much, just said hi to the people I knew before migrating to a wall, standing there with a drink in hand. I nursed the drink as music started playing, signaling the start of the coronation. Everyone bowed/curtsied as the current emperor, Crown prince Damon, and the other princes with the Princess entered. Besides Damon and the emperor, the others took their seats.

The person officiating the coronation, this world's equivalent to a pope, stood before the emperor and Damon.

The room was silent, all holding our breaths, waiting for the words that would transfer leadership.

"With old blood brings new blood. Great leadership brings new ones with prosperity. Today, we transfer power from one man to another."

Both the emperor and Damon kneeled. I took their outfits into account.

The emperor wasn't dressed as lavishly as he normally dressed. He actually was rather dressed down. A nice, muted red suit, with simple designs and his crown atop his head.

Damon however, wore white, red tie, red accents and gold buttons, cuff links, and added embellishments into the already overly detailed white. It was stunning.

The religious leader, who I'll just refer to as the pope since I don't know who he actually is, turned to the men.

"We say goodbye to the empire of emperor Roman, and welcome a new one with Emperor Damon." He took the emperors crown, symbolically ripping him on the title, holding the crown in the air for the guests to see. "May the old emperor prosper in peace and our new emperor bring prosperity." Then he placed the crown on Damon's head.

From what I was aware, a god would normally appear to bless the new emperor, the patron god of the city. Our empire didn't have a singular god, so it was just any of them.

Imagine my shock, as well as the other guests when all the gods and goddesses who blessed me appeared in front of Damon. It was a lot of people.

The pope stepped away wordlessly, allowing them to give their blessings.

They all came and left blessings, but two stuck out. Xiv and Amor.

Xiv spoke softly. "You weren't always a pure soul, darkened by the plagues upon your life, but as it is, your soul is pure as fallen snow. While you run your kingdom, you shall never face tragedies. None that will last."

Amor was the last god to give blessings, and he seemed very happy, "I made many mistakes, but you were not one of them. You've grown young emperor. You've learned and loved so purely. You love your people and your kingdom. You love the man who you'll spend the rest of your life with. When confronted with a man who never saw you, you made him see you. You never value yourself above others, and see everyone as your equal. Those who knew before, would be proud now, for you will be the greatest leader that graced the empire. I bless you with a gift. When the time is right, you'll be able to retrieve it. It will bring you hot you will never have imagined feeling. Until then, I give you my blessings for a happy marriage."

As he vanished into the air, Damon stood, his father retreating to a seat.

"Prosperity to the empire!" The pope exclaimed, the same mantra being exclaimed snack by the many voices of the room.

"To honor the new emperor, it's time to clear the floor for the first dance."

Everyone cleared the floor, and I stayed close to the floor so that Damon could find me. He descended the stairs, searching for me in the crowd, but not searching long. He reached out for me, extending his hand outwards. I listened to his call and reached out for his hand, allowing him to lead. I did bow first, because obviously.

Music started as he took my hands, placing one on his shoulder, moving his to my hip. Our other hand clasped tightly together as we slowly moved to the music. It was a silent, graceful dance.

He moved so we could talk, but not be heard. "I'm happy you're here."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world your highness," I hummed softly, smiling at him as we danced.

He smiled back, not annoyed by my teasing, but rather resting our heads together, both of us hearing the music come to an end.

"Today is an amazing day, but the greatest day will be when I get to marry you."

Now that flirtatious line was definitely heard by everyone, and I swear I was not the only one who felt just a bit heated by that line.

He cupped my cheek and pressed a quick kiss to my lips before letting go and heading back to the throne, taking his seat.

"Now, enjoy the party!" He boasted, and music played pull force again, and I got swallowed by the crowd, ending up by my family.

Until the wedding, that would be the last I would be able to talk to Damon for.

Only a week away, yet it felt so far.

But Danone as emperor now.

No longer the crown prince, but emperor.

My emperor.

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