Chapter Twenty Nine

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Damon was strangely quiet as we walked, and I saw the castle shrink just enough in the background that no one could even hear us at all. We wouldn't have been a whisper.

But he waited. We continued to walk and walk until we reached a bridge. It was small, yet secluded as we stopped there leaning by the edge.

"My father might be stepping down soon," he informed curtly, glancing right at me.



"That means you'll be succeeding him? Congratulations!"

He smiled a bit at that, nudging me jokingly, "I know. I'm being prepared more thoroughly now. Without the threat of war looming over us, he feels better in resigning. And you know how politics bore him."

I chuckled, nodding. "He never quite liked the meetings." I could recall his look of distaste every meeting. "Though, I'm glad for his leadership."

"I've been thinking about implementing new laws when I take the throne. And I wanted to know what you thought."

"Oh?" I questioned. "I'm always happy to help."

Damon smiled again, and the soft look in his eyes made my heart flutter. Of course he was still as charming as ever.

"Well, a few same sex couples have been wanting to be able to adopt. And I thought I should definitely pass a law allowing them to adopt, but I want to also put anti-discrimination laws in place for them, so they couldn't be denied jobs, housing, any of that, simply because they love who they love."

"That's very progressive, and it would be amazing for all of us to have such support in place."

His cheeks heated a bit, dusting them with a pale rose. "I also want to fund public education. Private education is the only one we really seem to have, leaving those who aren't wealthy unable to learn or educate themselves. It's unfair".

"I definitely agree. There are schools, but from what soldiers have told me, they aren't very good."

"Glad you agree. I have a whole list of laws back home with a lot of in depth breakdowns, so I'll wait until we return to show you the rest."

"I'll be happy to read them."

We drifted into a comfortable silence, letting the day wash over us. Standing besides him reminded me of what we once were, what I once felt.

I'd be lying if I didn't still hope that Damon loved me, but it was such a quiet want that I never cared for when Liam was around, because he was my world.

Now that he passed, and I was left alone, I couldn't help but let my mind wander back to it, time to time at least.

"I know we talked about it before, but I am still really sorry for how I treated you when you confessed."

"That's ancient history," I assured.

"I'm serious though," he started. "I still don't know why I acted that way. Why I thought any of the way I did. It didn't affect me if you liked men, or anyone else liked them either. The entire thing left me confused."

I placed a hand on his shoulder, "it's alright. You've learned. You've gotten better."

"You said yourself. Had it been anyone else, I would've been fine. But it was you, my best friend. I should've been better."

"You are better now," I assured once more. "I don't care about it anymore. Because you're here, and we're talking like old times, laughing like we did. You helped in your own ways when Liam passed, as did Finn, and I can't thank you both enough for that."

Damon seemed torn still, and I recalled the time he looked this way before, when we had visited Eliot's kingdom.

"That doesn't change how I acted. And I still find myself regretting it all. Liam's words still haunt me. I didn't understand what he meant at first when he said I'd regret it. I already regretted it after I rejected you, but seeing you prosper, living a happy marriage with Liam, I finally understood."

"And what did you finally understand?"

I watched him Avery his eyes, and I could see how much whatever he was going to say tormented him.

He was scared.

What was he scared of?

"Isaiah. I love you."

And my heart sunk.

They should've made me happy, but with those few words, every fear Liam had seemed to be true. Every look soldiers threw Damon's way made sense. His expression back then... it made sense.

And he let me be happy.

He let me move on from him.

He was closeted. While the soldiers could have guesses, they'd never truly know.


"I love you.. I think I always have. I've just been... scared and repressed and I lashed out and each day is Aw you with Liam, I couldn't help but wish it was me. Liam was your soulmate and I hated that. He was perfect for you and I wished that was me.


"You're rejecting me, right?"

I froze, unsure what to say it do. "I don't know."

"You don't?"

I glanced down. "Prince Damon, you're about to inherit the throne. Your father may be okay with me, but he might not want me to marry you, be with you. I don't want to be the person who takes away your throne."

"You don't hate me?"

"I still love you. It's not the same as what I had with Liam, but similar. And that won't change. But it's just not in our cards."

"Who gets to decide that?"

I glanced back up at Damon, and he looked torn, just as I did. "I don't know. I care about you, but I don't think it's best for either of us."

"I can't love anyone else," he whispered. "It's always been you."

"You've been focused on me, so wh-"

"I tried. I didn't feel attracted to any other man, and I never felt anything towards a woman. I love you. Please don't tell me you love me and then tell me it's impossible."

"If you choose me, you might lose everything you worked for, the crown, your home... is it worth it? You'll be a great emperor one day. I'm sorry."

Damon glanced away, "I'm sorry." And he ran away. I felt all the strength leave my own body when he was out of sight, falling down.

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