Chapter Sixteen

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"So, is Liam who you were talking about when you rejected me?" Tim asked curiously as all of us ate.


That's a bit... awkward.

"Life's a bit strange. No, he's not the same person. But I moved on from that person and in moving on I realized I loved Liam. I was in denial for a bit, but I'm glad I was honest with him."

Liam seemed pretty happy with what i said, "he's a real sweetheart. Though, I'm surprised he fooled anyone, because he is amazingly obvious with his affections."

"Not every quite picked up on it. Except my father, my brothers, my sister, my cousin..."

"How long did your father know?" Elliot asked curiously.

Liam nodded, "they just knew way before I knew, so I'm curious too."

"After I met Elliot actually. Well, a bit after. I told my dad and cried a bit. Awkward timing because that's when Prince Damon and The emperor showed up, so both my father and I simply pretended the conversation didn't happen."

"So they've known for over three years?" Damon muttered

"Of course. My father has always been my biggest supporter. When I told him, he smiled and hugged me. He told me he'd always support me and wanted me to be happy. All of them were supportive. It took a huge weight off my shoulders. I felt more myself."

Liam seemed extremely happy hearing that. "Your family is closer than most."

"So, why didn't you tell anyone else until much later?" Tim asked.

"I'm not stupid. I knew prince Damon and Finn didn't agree with it. Not because they're against it, they're just ignorant. I don't know if any of that's changed. But at the time, I wasn't trying to die. Now that I've been blessed, it's not as much of a threat."

"What about me?" Liam asked.

"If I told you, I would tell everyone. Doesn't feel right excluding anyone. You just figured it out first."

Finn sighed, "it's still weird to think about to me, but after seeing literal gods basically jump to your defense, I don't care about it anymore."

"Divine intervention stopped you from being an outright asshole," Liam said, statement of fact.

Damon remained quiet, not really saying anything as we all ate.

When we all headed to our rooms for the night, Damon stopped me.

"I need to talk to you."

I looked over at Liam, and he nodded, smiling. "Goodnight, don't stay up too late."

When he was out of site, we walked outside. Guards were somewhat nearby. Not within earshot or anything, but nearby.

"I know I've messed up," he started, sighing. "Liam was right calling me out. You a-" he flinched, biting backs. "-were my best friend. No matter what, i should've been kinder to you."

"Your highness-"

"Do you hate me now?"

"What? I've never hated you."

He moved to nearby railing, resting his arms on it. "You had every opportunity to hurt me, call me out, but you never did. You accepted everything and Liam was the one to fight me about it. Why?"

"I know you're a good person. You'll be a great ruler someday."

"You're always like that. So forgiving, king, selfless..." he turned to me, "I'm sorry. For everything."

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