1st Day

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WARNING: Contains slight sexual assault

Harry's POV

I have no idea what to wear and I already called for Edward to come upstairs and help me.  This is a real first day of school nightmare!

I'm standing in front of my closet in just my favorite pair of pink panties. Edward jogs into my room and stops when he sees me pouting. He rolls his eyes and struts over to me. 

"Eddy, I need help! What should I wear?" I whine with a pout.

He searched through my closet for a minute before pulling out a hot pink skirt and a white V-neck. He went over to my desk to look through my flower crowns and earrings.

I quickly put on the outfit. The skirt is long enough to go right above my knees. Edward turned back to me and looked over my outfit. He nods his approval before he holds his hand out expectantly. I quickly grow a pink daisy in my hand to match my skirt and set it in his waiting hand. He placed it behind my ear and looked me over once more. 

"Okay, come on. Marcel is waiting." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.

When we got downstairs, Marcel was standing by the front door with our backpacks. He saw us and grinned, clearly excited for school. Edward and I took our backpacks from him. Mine is white with pink flowers scattered on it, Edward's is plain dark green, and Marcel's is light gray. 

Edward grabs our house key, puts it in his pocket, and opens the door. We all yell in sync," Bye mum!" 

We hear her goodbye before we close the door and start walking to our new school only a couple blocks away. School started a month ago so while everybody there already knows each other, we are completely new.

Once we're in the school, we go to the office to get our schedules. The receptionist gives us a welcoming smile and asks," Are you the Styles boys?" 

We nod and she hands us each a schedule. We surprisingly have all our classes together except the last two. I have those by myself, Marcel and Edward are together though. The woman smiles and picks up the desk phone. She says a few words but I don't listen because eavesdropping is rude.

Soon a blonde boy walks through the door and smiles at us. He's wearing a 5SOS shirt and jeans. "You called, Susan?" The boy said to the woman, who he is apparently on a first name basis with.

The woman rolled her eyes and told him, "Good morning, Niall. These boys are new and I was hoping you would show them around. Take them to their classes please." Niall nodded and motioned us to follow him as he walked back out the door.

He took us down a quiet hallway and asked, "What are your names? Are you triplets? How long have you lived here? What are your powers? You don't mind me asking right?" 

I was at first a little shocked that he said all that with only one breath but Edward answered his questions, "I'm Edward, this is Marcel and Harry. Yes, we're triplets and we've only lived here for a couple days." 

Edward couldn't tell him our powers since we made it to our first class. Niall led us in and everybody turned towards us.

I tried to step behind Niall to hide from the class's eyes but he went to the teacher to explain who we are. The teacher nodded and let Niall go sit down. 

The teacher, Mr. Dudley, announced, "Hello, you boys may take a seat! Oh dear-y me! There are no 3 seats next to each other! Marcel go sit next Zayn, Edward go next to Niall, and uh, Harry you can go next to, uhm... Louis." He mumbled that last part but it was still audible. 

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